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Overdosed on painkillers while waiting for NHS appropriate support


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i dont think it matters if the son is a adult or a child ,the OP asked for advice and all anyone seemed to want to do is criticize what makes the criticisms even more worrying is the one from a supposedly mental illness worker...god help his patients is all I can say


Well said thank you x

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Thankyou Numbersix you are right I have a young child aged 3 and I have an older child aged 23

And its a shame that this is the main focus of the issue and I do appreciate people who are aware of the reality of the situation rather than speculating over whether I'm an irresponsible mother of a child with learning difficulties or not hmm

Well he is awaiting blood test results and still conscious

So far so good


people like to point the finger on here.


Hope he's okay.

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I once had an abcess that hurt so much, I considered taking an overdose just so I could get admitted to hospital. I didn't have any of the groovy stuff Audra had but I was taking asparin and paracetamol six at a time. I was past caring. By the next morning the pressure had pushed the filling out of the tooth and I was pain free.


I also recently had a abcess and would of overdosed myself too, the pain is unbearable no amount of over the counter medicine touched it till i was given anti biotics by the dentist.

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Clove oil is good. Put some on a cotton wool ball and gently bite together so it stays in place where needed. I've heard gargling with disposable aspirin is good too.


Microwave heat pads to relieve the pain and comfort the patient.


I really do hope all goes,ok.

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Alcohol seems to be the best for toothache, but not if you've already had too many painkillers. Hold a double vodka in your mouth near the tooth as long as you can until it burns, then spit or swallow. Should numb it & kill some bacteria too. Doesn't taste as bad as clove oil, it's more effective & lasts longer.

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