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'The Failure of Capitalist Production', NY Professor visits Shef

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I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that you'd hate the idea of any child of yours listening to an academic discuss something that doesn't fit in with your worldview.


Unfortunately for you, that's a very, very high percentage of them.


They're obviously free to listen to any discussion they like and I hope that they would have enough intelligence to know that the manderings of a Marxist orientated NY university professor bear little relation to the realities of the 21st century world.

The 1960s are gone. Hello !

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Nevertheless, your statement implying uselessness of History Politics, Economics and Philosophy, is clearly bunk.


I'll grant that economics may be useful in pursuing a career in the same field but history and philosophy.... come on ! :hihi:

A more sensible approach would be to go for something like music, technical and creative writing, infrastructure engineering, electronics, dentistry, vetenarian, nursing, pharmaceuticals, general medicine, chef course, dietician, systems programing to name a few where there is a demand for such skills.


Now if one of my sons had come home and said "Hey dad ! I just graduated in philosophy" I would have replied with a smile and a handshake

"Well good luck son"

Then just afterwards told my wife that we need to get his old bedroom back in shape for his return :hihi:

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I'll grant that economics may be useful in pursuing a career in the same field but history and philosophy.... come on ! :hihi:

A more sensible approach would be to go for something like music, technical and creative writing, infrastructure engineering, electronics, dentistry, vetenarian, nursing, pharmaceuticals, general medicine, chef course, dietician, systems programing to name a few where there is a demand for such skills.


Now if one of my sons had come home and said "Hey dad ! I just graduated in philosophy" I would have replied with a smile and a handshake

"Well good luck son"

Then just afterwards told my wife that we need to get his old bedroom back in shape for his return :hihi:


If your son did politics and philosophy I doubt he would turn up for sunday dinner any more.

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I would be interested to hear what you thought about Kliman's theories on accumulation and the declining rate of profit generally if you want to have a proper discussion about this, or something tangible about non-mainstream economics which we can actually discuss, rather than uneducated personal slander.


I think that when people read that companies are in fact making record profits it will be hard to convince them that there is "a declining rate of profit generally." Despite the recent economic crisis profits are at a high and the various stock market indexes reflect that. They may have dipped but even despite of that dip they are all at record highs.


You have still failed to convince me that Marxist philosophy's are relevant in a modern computer controlled age.


I will read the book fully when the declining rate of profit on selling it comes down, other than that I go by the various books reviews.


PS I should add that I will try and attend anyway.

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