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School uniform Good or Bad ?

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the only and main reason I think school uniforms are a good idea, is because if everyone's dressed in the same clothes / style etc, then there will less bullying because no one can be singled out as different for how they dress..


it makes it a more even and equal ground...

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the only and main reason I think school uniforms are a good idea, is because if everyone's dressed in the same clothes / style etc, then there will less bullying because no one can be singled out as different for how they dress..


it makes it a more even and equal ground...



Originally Posted by scousemouse

All for it! It makes all children equal in looks. No competition as to who has the best designer shoes/clothes etc. I remember years ago, when they dropped the uniforms, a headmaster saying, 'before they dropped the uniform, I didn't know which of the children were poor, I do now................







If it did this I would be happy - but it doesn't.At least not at Tapton.


They all wear a sweatshirt granted - or a polo shirt - or a plain shirt- or a t shirt in the correct colour....


Then on the bottom half it is almost anything goes -so there are polyester stay press trouser (in variety of lengths) leggings, tracksuit bottoms, or jeggings or cargos .......or sweatpants.


They still look a fright - and the "nerds" are sill in half mast polyester while the others are wearing the latest "trend"


And then there is the footwear.................


and so the kids all have to have double wardrobes for in an out of school- so much more expensive.

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I, personally, like the fact my child's school has a uniform. There's none of this 'She's got a better named top than I have' and kids know exactly what they're wearing everyday of the week. The only thing that can possibly be an issue is the footwear - but many schools only allow very plain shoes, etc, nowadays.


On another note, I think it helps the kids feel like 'part of the gang'. When my daughter joined her current school last year, there were a couple of days when she didn't have the official school sweatshirt and she felt really left out. Ok, it was intense enough for her to be the new girl, but having a matching uniform really helped her fit in.


Plus, I think it looks really smart when you drive past the school at break and they're all in their matching colours :)

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They should all be in school uniforms providing those on benefits also get the school uniforms for free and not pay extra for them. When I was a school in the 1950-60's school uniform was compulsory but they were provide free for me as we were poor.


But as pointed out the rules should also apply to the teachers as well.

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As a school student I say I love my school uniform! It might not be the most "attractive" but you're at school for a reason and to not show off who has the latest trends. I would hate to have to wake up every morning and pick out something new to wear and worrying weather I would get judged or not for wearing it or wearing it more than "once". I think they're a good idea and it shows you are in a community all together!


What a sensible post! I agree - I wear a uniform for work and it makes my life much easier in the mornings :D

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can't stand uniforms, as much for the petty tyranny it encourages from teachers as for anything else. used to have kids lined up down the concourse in the mornings at our school for not having their ties straight. remember being backed up against the wall in corridors having some halfwit screaming bloody murder in my face for having my shirt not tucked in, etc.


so far as i can see, every potential benefit to be gained from a uniform could be gained from a relatively lax dress code, which would give the kids far more freedom and just be generally less intrusive.


a teacher's job is to control the kids, and god knows there's a fair few who don't know how to do much more than that. for them, having something petty to hold over the kids gives their entire day a meaning and a purpose which to be honest we'd all be better off without...

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give your suggestions on school uniform :)


Good point: Everyone dresses the same so there is no peer pressure to dress in the latest clothing and be bullied etc... very often it costs a lot cheaper for school uniform than the latest baggy jeans

Also if your kids prat around and cause trouble they can be located by the uniform and the school only for the legal system to do absolutely nothing


Bad points: Depends if a private school or not ouch!

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