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Job in Dubai - Should I take it or not?

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I remember a story of a woman living in her car at the airport for ages because her husband was in debt and got put in prison with their passports confiscated.This is all i could find though...




On the plus side i lived abroad for 4 years and can`t wait to get away from Sheffield again!!.It really is depressing when you have lived in a warm climate.

I would say go for it but be very careful of a commission only job.One bad month and it could be all over.

That article is by Johann Hari, so is almost certainly fiction and fact inter-twined.

I love balanced articles like this that show both sides of a story and have absolutely no agenda. :hihi:


The fact is though, I believe some of the things in the article probably did happen. Like any place things go wrong for people. You (not the two quoted, everyone) are kidding yourselves if you don't think bad things happen to good people the world over. Dubai is no worse than any other place for this, even Sheffield.


Dubai is a Disney World for adults as the article puts it, that is undeniable. I very much doubt I'll be here forever. That is not as I dislike here at all, I enjoy it very much, but I want to see other places and eventually come home when the sector I work in has improved.


The property market is increasing, rentals climbing in value again, buildings are also being built after the crash with abandoned sites now being developed. Although there is a lot of rentals available, there are also a lot of people searching for them. With a fixed agency fee the price the property is rented from the landlord for matters little to the estate agent. They of course need to keep in with the landlords though to ensure they get notified of upcoming properties. I very much doubt the OP would make the quoted figures unless they were dam good and worked a lot of hours. Commission based contracts just can't make that sort of money generally.


Dubai has a lot to offer to people from many walks of life, much more than shopping than sitting by a pool, but not everyone would like to or be able to live here. That is understandable. I don't believe however that anyone should advise another person not to do something because of their second hand knowledge or something they'd read.

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