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Car Won't Start - What Next?


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So, my car (2006 Clio) won't start. The engine cranks over, but it simply won't kick in. Not had any problems before, and it's my first car, so not sure what to do next...


I'm not with the AA, so what would be my next step in getting sorted...? It's currently parked outside my house.

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Thanks. Pretty sure it's not the battery though as the starter cranks normally...


Either way, I haven't got a clue what I'm looking at under the bonnet. I need to know - logistically - what I can do next. Will I have to hire a tow-truck to take it to a garage?

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Could be battery, spark plugs or starter motor, or something else entirely. Do you have any family, friends or neighbours who are knowledgable about cars who could look it over?



well seeing as its cranks over as normally its not going to be the battery or starter motor is it. Its a 2006 car you dont need knowledge you need to get it plugged into a computer to see what fault codes are coming up.


al these people saying its this its that, u cant guess without seeing the car, it needs plugging in to a computer simple as that.

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Firstly, it's petrol, and there's a third of a tank in.


Secondly, no-one knowledgeable around unfortunately...


Thirdly - whether it's spark plugs or immobilizer or something else entirely - what's my next logical step in getting it diagnosed/fixed if I have no breakdown cover?

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