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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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I am a regular reader of these boards but rarely post - only on occasion when I truely feel the need to.


Well I love Sheffield - what a great city with so much going for it! Live here 4 months now after moving up from Kent... Sheffield definitely the place for me!


unfortunately however, tonight I came across the real scum bags of this town! In the Leadmill - having a great time out and showing my friend from Kent what its all about up here. Only I intervened when I saw a young guy getting hassled by around 5 lads in their 20's. They assaulted him and when I stepped in to say enough.. I was repeatedly punched and kicked to the floor!!!


The bouncers seemed more interested in throwing me out and also kicking / kneeing my head that actually getting hold of the people who had just cut my head quite a few times over.



Well i'm sat here and yes, i've had a few to drink - but I dont go out for this. I'm never going to the leadmill again - I stand strong on my beliefs and the next time I see a younger person getting bullied I will still put my foot in and object to it.



but still.

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Originally posted by Tripitaka

phone the police and the leadmill and ask for the CCTV footage. They have to disclose it.


I can only endorse this view by Tripitaka to phone the police. Subject to the licensing conditions of the club, CCTV footage has to be stored for 30 days, and can be examined by the police upon demand. Failure to comply with such a request would be in breach of the club's license.


Hope you're soon feeling better.

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Oh my god thats really bad! I hope you arn't injured too badly?


You should report the bouncers for doing that to you!!!


I had to have an operation on my hand because of the bouncers from the leadmill, theyre B@@@@@@S!!!


Can't the boncers get done for doing that? :confused:

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Most bouncers seem to be power hungry freaks who want a job with power but don't have the brains to do anything else...ok, that may be a bit harsh to a lot of bouncers but there are a lot of them out there who are just knob heads. I respect the fact you intervened when most would have turned a blind eye...unfortunately what happened to you is the reason most people do. I'd hope I'd do the same but I stopped going out for the very fact that the amount of hassle was vastly outnumbering the amount of fun! Still, respect to you!

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That's really bad.....contact the Leadmill, let 'em know you're contacting the police and take it from there.


You've been assaulted and it's about time that the owners of bars and clubs relised that we pay their bills, and that they need to take responsibility for what their staff do.


The only place most of these people feel pain is in their wallets, so perhaps getting named and shamed in front of 20,000 SF users might concentrate their minds wonderfully. :)


Good luck.



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I can only reiterate the wise comments already given on this thread. Contact the Police and ask them to examine CCTV footage from the Leadmill - as people have already pointed out they have a legal obligation to. Secondly, if that proves conclusively that you were assaulted; sue the doormen and the nightclub.

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