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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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Please feel free to contact me with the details of this incident or any others and I will make a full investigation.


James - Front of House / Security Manager

The Leadmill Ltd

6 Leadmill Road


S1 4SE


Tel: 01142212834


E-mail: james@leadmill.co.uk



I dont go to leadmill anymore because of a similiar incident, as a young professional me and my work collegues used to spend around 2-300 a week there. One day i was smacked for no reason by a girl in there and left unconcious, turns out the girl was the bouncers sister i was literally thrown out of the building hardly unable to stand and had to get my own way to hospital,


I rang the police but leadmill were "protecting" there own, the cctv was "down" that night due to a technical error.


My arse, they knew that throwning someone who was unconcious after a un prevoked attack into the street to protect a bouncers sister would probably cost them a hefty fine.


So James please feel free to contact me and tell me why i should ever set foot in your place ever ever ever ever again!!!

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The bouncers there are awful, my friends have had a few bad experiences with them and as a result i haven't been in for a long time. You just never know if they'll take a dislike and turn on you! I won't be going back.

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I know one of the bouncers who works there, right nob head, comes into my office all the time spouting about how he has beaten up some poor defenceless student etc, (his words not mine). best part is he looks like frank spencer and is about 10 stone wet through. i grew up and drank in hillsborough for 24 years, the bouncers on the Ball were the mutts nuts, a few of them used to work on the leadmill after the ball so we used to go down and drink in there after. Great guys. best one was a guy called toner (dont know if he still works there) but the rest of them down there were just morons looking for trouble, that why they barred all us lads from the ball going in on a friday night because we gave as good as we got and they couldnt hadle 15 normal sized guys throwing punches back! 9 time out of 10 they came off worse! but that was in the hay day of the blue ball (2 + years ago) and to be fair the bouncers were doing there job not letting us in cos we were loose cannons!

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This is what u get at places like leadmill or most "trendie" bars / clubs in sheff. If you want to be treated like a person rather than cattle at market I suggest u start going to your local english pub, rather than these commercial enterprises where the staff are underpaid and overworked, 20 minutes to get a drink, and drunk people barging into you. The owners of these places dont care about their customers like a proper pub should do, they only care about making profit.

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I have no problem wth bouncers whatsoever and get on well with most of them all over town, the leadmill bouncers however are a different story. Everytime i've attended the leadmill there's been some trouble caused by the bouncers, they thrive on it. Never going there again.

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This is what u get at places like leadmill or most "trendie" bars / clubs in sheff. If you want to be treated like a person rather than cattle at market I suggest u start going to your local english pub, rather than these commercial enterprises where the staff are underpaid and overworked, 20 minutes to get a drink, and drunk people barging into you. The owners of these places dont care about their customers like a proper pub should do, they only care about making profit.


i agree, i know of a couple of people who own bars in town, most of the time the bar owners are more scared of the security staff and dont like to upset them. my fiancee and her mum got treat badly outside the tequila bar by the bouncers, they were drinking with the tequila bars owners wife and she spoke to her husband about it. he spoke to the security company owner and he threatened him if he pulled the business! :loopy: Sheffield town centre is on a slippery slope down at the moment and unless the bar/club owners do something about it i have no sympathy when there bars get closed and they are out of business, NUMBER ONE RULE IN BUSINESS, LOOK AFTER YOUR CUSTOMERS!

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I'm a bouncer myself and i will admit Leadmill has proabably one of the worst unprofessional doorteam i've seen before. They are very heavy handed in instance's that really don't call for it. Sadly cause of bouncers like this the rest of us get a very bad reputation. Leadmill and a couple of other venue's in sheffield really need to step there game up because customers just don't want to go into venue where they think the bouncers are cavemen.

Our job is a customer relations one and we're there to for the safety and security of our customers. I have never attacked anyone in my line of duty, a couple of instances i have acted out of self defence, but I can normally calm down a situation with just a few simple words.

Sheffield has many fine venue's with excellent doorstaff who are always pleasent e.g Plug, DQ, Harley.

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