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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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I know i'm taking a different approach than the rest of the members, but im sure you allready know that people think you need to phone the police!


One thing I do want to say though is, I know this thing happened outside the Leadmill, and the bouncers did'nt help as you stated, but I would'nt let this put you off from going bk to the Leadmill!


Every venue has its trouble from time to time! But un-fortunately you got involved last night and came off quite bad, the bouncers have strict regulations on most clubs now, that if a scuffle occurs away from the Club (e.g Outside) they are not allowed to leave their post to intervene, as it is no longer associated with the venue, therefore it's down to the police???? Harsh but true!!!!


If the fracas would have happened inside, then the bouncers are allowed to leave their post to intervene!,


Mad but true!


Don't let it ruin what you like to do! Put it in the past and get on with life!

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Originally posted by janny

Can't the boncers get done for doing that? :confused:


Yes they can.. But only if it's caught on CCTV. I intend to keep my licence so I'm more of a grab and eject person and walk away not to get drawn into petty arguments..


Originally posted by Not_My_Fault

Most bouncers seem to be power hungry freaks who want a job with power but don't have the brains to do anything else...ok, that may be a bit harsh to a lot of bouncers but there are a lot of them out there who are just knob heads


Yeah, we often get slated like this, but its usually by brainless morons who can't handle their drink :)

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Originally posted by Johnnywarren

Funny how bouncers ......


a: never beat anyone up on their own,


b: only ever beat drunks up.


Funny how you can't back up your accusations with proof...


A : I have never beat up anyone, I will try and reason but if you don't then your out, by force or by your own accord


B : I have never beaten a drunk up nor will I ever. I have removed drunks by assisting their wobbly walk :hihi:

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Now let me clarify something. I am a bouncer myself and have never attacked anyone without a reason or thrown anyone out of a venue for no reason. I was attacked by customers many times and then yes I attacked back. In year 2005 I had 10 stitches on my head, a dislocated knuckle and a fractured wrist - thanks to people who come in to venues and think they can handle alchohol. And before you people start slagging bouncers off, sit down and think for a minute how hard this job is, let me give you an example. A club like ADELPHI holds over 600 people, with only 9 security staff (depending on what securty company is working it) now that is around 70 people per 1 door staff. We also have to search EVERY single male entering the venue, and as for females its their handbags and coats. Once that is done we have to monitor continuously the whole crowd, what they do, any potential outbreaks of fights, check toilets for people using drugs, spot very drunk people and ask them to leave. Its all fun when you are enjoying yourself in a club you dont notice what we notice. But hey, if you do a shift from 8.30pm till 6am the next morning, you will start respecting us, thats if you will last that long. And at the end of the day we dont need you respect. A good bouncer knows what is what, and I work in an amazing team, all for one and one for all. So dont misbehave in our venue.

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Where I work, we have a chap who is a bouncer by night and to watch him handle aggressive customers is a real education. He gets shot of them with minimal trouble and often unnoticed by the rest of the rest of the customers in the shop. Of course the fact that he is built like the proverbial brick outhouse probably helps ...... :hihi:

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Thats so bad, The leadmill is usually such a great place, its my favorite club in sheffield! its not really ponsey or too hardcore the people there just seem out for a laugh a drink and a dance!! we need to keep it that way so go to the police know your rights and be careful next time luv!

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I got thrown out of the leadmil after being spiked. I know I was spiked because I hadn't had much to drink!


I wasn't causing any trouble at all. All I did was sit on the chairs with my head in my hands. The bouncers came up to me and started shouting "come on out, where not having that in here" I asked them nicely if I could sit for a minute as I couldn't walk or even see much. But no, They dragged me all the way to the doors knowing I couldn't walk or even see and then pushed me out onto the floor! I fell flat on my face and tore some sort of ligament thing (forgot what its called) in my hand.


Fair enough they have to get very drunk people out but it was explained to them that I wasn't drunk, and I honestly wasn't!!!


I had to have an operation on my hand after this. I didn't know I needed the operation at first, I didn't think it was that bad and thought the pain would go but it didnt! I ended up having the operation 3 months after.


I tried to make a claim against them but because the police wasn't contacted so I couldn't get it. I tried to explain that I didn't know it was as bad as what it turned out to be but still the police had to be involved!


So if they hurt you for no reason, contact the police while you have the proof of injury!

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