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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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Originally posted by Tripitaka

phone the police and the leadmill and ask for the CCTV footage. They have to disclose it.


Absolutely. This is definately a police matter. Many clubs need to clean up their act in various ways and this is a good example of one.

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Best bouncer I've ever seen - Emu at the Marquis of Granby, many many years ago (some of you lot will no doubt remember the old Marquis discos)


There was usually some trouble - but old Emu didnt mess about. I saw him once walk right into the middle of two fighting youths, pick them both up and walk out of the Marquis with them held at his side like sacks of spuds.

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Originally posted by janny

I got thrown out of the leadmil after being spiked. I know I was spiked because I hadn't had much to drink!


I wasn't causing any trouble at all. All I did was sit on the chairs with my head in my hands. The bouncers came up to me and started shouting "come on out, where not having that in here" I asked them nicely if I could sit for a minute as I couldn't walk or even see much. But no, They dragged me all the way to the doors knowing I couldn't walk or even see and then pushed me out onto the floor! I fell flat on my face and tore some sort of ligament thing (forgot what its called) in my hand.


Fair enough they have to get very drunk people out but it was explained to them that I wasn't drunk, and I honestly wasn't!!!


I had to have an operation on my hand after this. I didn't know I needed the operation at first, I didn't think it was that bad and thought the pain would go but it didnt! I ended up having the operation 3 months after.


I tried to make a claim against them but because the police wasn't contacted so I couldn't get it. I tried to explain that I didn't know it was as bad as what it turned out to be but still the police had to be involved!


So if they hurt you for no reason, contact the police while you have the proof of injury!

I've known this to happen in the past and to be frank, it's a disgrace.

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unfortunately I have a biased opinion of the legal system in this country and will not go to the police - there is alway some technicality and the people who committed the offense just seem to get off scot free!



just bruised quite badly but not to the face luckily. Ruined my night and I certainly am not going back to the Leadmill again! I was just unlucky.


It still doesn't ruin my view of Sheff though - thats just a minority you get everywhere! The bouncer's should have known better though..

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Originally posted by feargal

That's not going to help the next poor buggers it happens to is it? If you were assaulted, you should report it. :rolleyes:


I can only agree with feargal's comments.


If you ignore it, it's as if it didn't happen. And if you don't make a complaint to the Police you really shouldn't be making accusations in a public forum

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Also, I would have thought that it'd be a good way to express your dislike of the Leadmill's policies. I'm pretty sure that reports of violent incidents, security problems etc are all brought up at licensing applications.


If you're that upset about it, why not hit 'em where it hurts?

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