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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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Ideally, what you should have done was go and find a member of the security team at the Leadmill and have informed them of the situation, rather than stepping in yourself, which could (and probably did by the sounds of it) have made the situation worst. I probably would have done the same as yourself in the same situation to be fair, especially if I had been a bit tipsy.


Deffo make a complaint to the police, however I doubt you'll get much of a response - the only CCTV inside the Leadmill is in the box offices, cellar, behind the bars and house managers office.


There isn't actually any cameras which watch the crowd, I think the management were always more worried about staff nicking stock and cash, rather than documenting violence.

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Why is it people only ever post negative things about doorstaff? Why do you never post and say something positive? The reason is because you all on this board have a pre concieved hatred for doorstaff... It is quite sad because these sad thugs (myself may i add for that matter) put our bodies, lives etc on the line everyday for you guys to have fun and go out... You have **** all appretiation for us. When we do something good, you dont say thankyou, when we do something bad you slag us to bits... Look at this the next time you go out, make an effort to be friendly to the bouncers etc and 99% will be friendly back... I make mistakes as a doorman, we all as humans do. Its natural, just try to understand the pressure were under when making decisions. Tonight for example a young lady decided to make personal comments toward me about my appearance and my job, all because I would not and could not let her in because we were shut... I was unproffesional and gave some abuse back. Like I said we all make mistakes and I should have acted more ''professional'' but im a human and can only take so much. From a point of view of someone looking at that situation from the outside, a neutral person... They would automatically look at me and say that i was out of order, the reason is because im a doorman, and their mind is already made up as to who's in the wrong... Get what I am saying? Rant over

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I am going to stick up for the Leadmill.


The doorstaff there I think do their job well on the whole,it is a place where i feel safe to go out in Sheffield and have always done. At least two of them have been there for many many years (the woman and the blonde shaven head guy) and they have to put up with a lot of crap.


If you feel you have had injust treatment, definitely contact James as I am sure this is one club that does not want to disappoint its clientele. I'm not slagging you off for being a good samaritan, I wish I'd got the guts, but the Leadmill staff have to take a split second reaction to ensure the safety of the greater crowd.

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In ref: Strongman, I've always believed that a good top notch bouncer should never get noticed. Perhaps this is why people never sing the praises of the best bouncers, and the worst stick out like a sore thumb.


You should also remember that lots of different types people in different jobs also get abuse daily including nurses, teachers, police, shop assistants, call centre workers. If they give abuse back they would be out of a job, and for many out of their career.

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Originally posted by EdnaKrabappe

I am going to stick up for the Leadmill.


The doorstaff there I think do their job well on the whole,it is a place where i feel safe to go out in Sheffield and have always done. At least two of them have been there for many many years (the woman and the blonde shaven head guy) and they have to put up with a lot of crap.


If you feel you have had injust treatment, definitely contact James as I am sure this is one club that does not want to disappoint its clientele. I'm not slagging you off for being a good samaritan, I wish I'd got the guts, but the Leadmill staff have to take a split second reaction to ensure the safety of the greater crowd.


Going to the Leadmill tomorrow evening for the first time ever. You've set my mind at rest. Expecting to have a great evening.

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Originally posted by JFKvsNixon

In ref: Strongman, I've always believed that a good top notch bouncer should never get noticed. Perhaps this is why people never sing the praises of the best bouncers, and the worst stick out like a sore thumb.


You should also remember that lots of different types people in different jobs also get abuse daily including nurses, teachers, police, shop assistants, call centre workers. If they give abuse back they would be out of a job, and for many out of their career.


Im not sure about the best been unoticed, but I do agree that if doing a sound job, you should do it with minimum fuss. Alot of people on this board think 'the best' seems to be the politest etc, and yes there are some nice young chappies doing this job and they stand there smiling with their suits and shiney shoes, but when it kicks off their arses drop and they dissapear?


Regarding the abuse, yes Ive already said i was highly unproffesional, but then again i really dont think there is a need to be spoken to like i was...

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i suppose its a case of fighting fire with fire, using thugs to protect the club from thugs, most bouncers are smashing blokes but are let down by the 1 or 2 that are just pure thugs and let the uniform go to their primitive heads, they love it. but i do think that on the way into a club say "evening" and "cheers lads" on the way out, most deserve it.

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Originally posted by Strongman

Why is it people only ever post negative things about doorstaff? Why do you never post and say something positive? The reason is because you all on this board have a pre concieved hatred for doorstaff... It is quite sad because these sad thugs (myself may i add for that matter) put our bodies, lives etc on the line everyday for you guys to have fun and go out... You have **** all appretiation for us. When we do something good, you dont say thankyou, when we do something bad you slag us to bits... Look at this the next time you go out, make an effort to be friendly to the bouncers etc and 99% will be friendly back... I make mistakes as a doorman, we all as humans do. Its natural, just try to understand the pressure were under when making decisions. Tonight for example a young lady decided to make personal comments toward me about my appearance and my job, all because I would not and could not let her in because we were shut... I was unproffesional and gave some abuse back. Like I said we all make mistakes and I should have acted more ''professional'' but im a human and can only take so much. From a point of view of someone looking at that situation from the outside, a neutral person... They would automatically look at me and say that i was out of order, the reason is because im a doorman, and their mind is already made up as to who's in the wrong... Get what I am saying? Rant over [/quote


How do you know 99% of them will be friendly back? Do you know them all?


I was very friendly and very polite when I asked if I could stay sat down for a few more minutes, I told them I wasn't going to be sick and told them I couldn't walk or even ardley see. they wasn't friendly back to me! The person I was with was also trying to tell them nicley but he also got a big sctrach around his neck where they had grabbed him to chuck him out.


And yes you should have been more professional with the girl!havn't you been trained to deal with this sort of stuff? If you havn't then maybe you should! and I'm not just saying this because youre a doorman!!! If you can only take so much without retaliating to something silly like that, then you shouldn't be a doorman!!!


I always say thankyou to doormen as I am walking out and I bet loads of other people say thankyou and goodnight! This is appretiation, if you didn't know!

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