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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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Originally posted by janny

Originally posted by Strongman

Why is it people only ever post negative things about doorstaff? Why do you never post and say something positive? The reason is because you all on this board have a pre concieved hatred for doorstaff... It is quite sad because these sad thugs (myself may i add for that matter) put our bodies, lives etc on the line everyday for you guys to have fun and go out... You have **** all appretiation for us. When we do something good, you dont say thankyou, when we do something bad you slag us to bits... Look at this the next time you go out, make an effort to be friendly to the bouncers etc and 99% will be friendly back... I make mistakes as a doorman, we all as humans do. Its natural, just try to understand the pressure were under when making decisions. Tonight for example a young lady decided to make personal comments toward me about my appearance and my job, all because I would not and could not let her in because we were shut... I was unproffesional and gave some abuse back. Like I said we all make mistakes and I should have acted more ''professional'' but im a human and can only take so much. From a point of view of someone looking at that situation from the outside, a neutral person... They would automatically look at me and say that i was out of order, the reason is because im a doorman, and their mind is already made up as to who's in the wrong... Get what I am saying? Rant over [/quote


How do you know 99% of them will be friendly back? Do you know them all?


I was very friendly and very polite when I asked if I could stay sat down for a few more minutes, I told them I wasn't going to be sick and told them I couldn't walk or even ardley see. they wasn't friendly back to me! The person I was with was also trying to tell them nicley but he also got a big sctrach around his neck where they had grabbed him to chuck him out.


And yes you should have been more professional with the girl!havn't you been trained to deal with this sort of stuff? If you havn't then maybe you should! and I'm not just saying this because youre a doorman!!! If you can only take so much without retaliating to something silly like that, then you shouldn't be a doorman!!!


I always say thankyou to doormen as I am walking out and I bet loads of other people say thankyou and goodnight! This is appretiation, if you didn't know!


I dont know them all no, lol.But in everyday life if someone greets you with a friendly gesture, most people will respond... Why is this not so with doorman?


Regarding you been ejected, if asked to leave, why not just leave? It would have been much easier. Then maybe explain whats happened outside. You obviously looked very ****** and incapable, is that not why you were asked to leave the place in the first place.? So if you looked to be in such a state the doorman in question is not going to believe your story on been spiked is he? Was your friend in no way aggressive? Was he restrained just because he was with you...For no reason whatsoever?!!! I cant really comment fully, obviously because I was not there, but just try and look at it from another point of view. I mean if you had been spiked, (which your quite sure of) Can you even remember what happened fully?! You think you were harshly treated, my comments are not going to change that.


Oh and regarding the girl, my 'training' let me down...lol. It was the end of a 12 hour shift, id been taking abuse all night long, from once a year seasonal drinkers and had enough. what a unproffesional doorman I am...im sorry

Take care

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Originally posted by Strongman

Why is it people only ever post negative things about doorstaff? Why do you never post and say something positive?


Ok - I'll try and redress that a little. My husband was out in town last night on his works Christmas do. He was with a large group of lads all out for a good time. Late on they were in Wetherspoons, one of his friends went to the loo (upstairs) and on his return stumbled down the stairs- yes a little worse for wear! The bouncers saw this, helped him up and he promptly collapsed on them!

They took him outside..... next door into Chubby's, bought him a cheeseburger, sat while he ate it and took him back in to Wetherspoons to find his mates.

Now he doesn't know these bouncers, but to me that is above and beyond the 'call of duty' - so well done to them.:clap:


This is not to belittle your experience breeza - I'm sorry about what happened to you and hope you are recovering. Please take up JamesH offer, as if he is willing to post his email on here I believe he takes this very seriously.


I just think that, as usual, it is the minority that spoil it for the majority and not all doormen/bouncers are bad.

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Originally posted by breeza



I am a regular reader of these boards but rarely post - only on occasion when I truely feel the need to.


Well I love Sheffield - what a great city with so much going for it! Live here 4 months now after moving up from Kent... Sheffield definitely the place for me!


unfortunately however, tonight I came across the real scum bags of this town! In the Leadmill - having a great time out and showing my friend from Kent what its all about up here. Only I intervened when I saw a young guy getting hassled by around 5 lads in their 20's. They assaulted him and when I stepped in to say enough.. I was repeatedly punched and kicked to the floor!!!


The bouncers seemed more interested in throwing me out and also kicking / kneeing my head that actually getting hold of the people who had just cut my head quite a few times over.



Well i'm sat here and yes, i've had a few to drink - but I dont go out for this. I'm never going to the leadmill again - I stand strong on my beliefs and the next time I see a younger person getting bullied I will still put my foot in and object to it.



but still.


Hi sorry to hear of you encounter with the bouncers, you really should report it to the police. people like them should not be in that sort of employment ,it's like giving them a licence to be thugs. my son was assaulted by a bouncer a few years ago, luckily he had witnesses, and the bouncer was eventually sent to prison.

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Originally posted by Strongman

I dont know them all no, lol.But in everyday life if someone greets you with a friendly gesture, most people will respond... Why is this not so with doorman?


Regarding you been ejected, if asked to leave, why not just leave? It would have been much easier. Then maybe explain whats happened outside. You obviously looked very ****** and incapable, is that not why you were asked to leave the place in the first place.? So if you looked to be in such a state the doorman in question is not going to believe your story on been spiked is he? Was your friend in no way aggressive? Was he restrained just because he was with you...For no reason whatsoever?!!! I cant really comment fully, obviously because I was not there, but just try and look at it from another point of view. I mean if you had been spiked, (which your quite sure of) Can you even remember what happened fully?! You think you were harshly treated, my comments are not going to change that.


Oh and regarding the girl, my 'training' let me down...lol. It was the end of a 12 hour shift, id been taking abuse all night long, from once a year seasonal drinkers and had enough. what a unproffesional doorman I am...im sorry

Take care



I didn't just leave because I couldn't see or walk, if I could have I would have left anyway! And maybe if I had the time to realise how I felt I would have left but it hit me straight away without any warning.


I didn't look that incapable or in that much of a state, I was sat up at a table with my head in my hands. I could still speak and hear what they were saying. So why didn't they beleive my story? They just did their job crap and didn't want to know!!!


My friend wasn't aggresive at all, he isn't like that! He was just trying to get them to listen. He did tell then they were wrong for what they were doing, which they were!


And yes I can remember what happened! I know for sure they shouldn't have done what they did!

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Ive had my disagreements with bouncers before, but generally its when ive had too much to drink and decided to do something daft that either a) endangers myself b) endangers others or c) generally acting a pillock


people have to remember that bouncers deal with idiots almost nightly, and although some are abit heavy handed if you dont cause trouble or fall over then they dont bother you!


i think most bouncers are fine and do their job well, i always feel safe in clubs and thats partly because if there is trouble the guys are always quick to stop it...


give them a break and enjoy your night!

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The reason bouncers are perceived as thugs is because thugs would be attracted to that type of work. A lot of convicted thugs etc always turn out to have worked in security. Not only that but they're well known for often being involved in the drug trade in clubs. I think the hatred of bouncers is justified in some cases because undoubtedly some are on a power trip. They all stand around looking tough in those identical long homburg coats whatever you call them. They always look ludicrous in dickie bows- do they wear dickie bows so people can't grab them by the tie? With regard to the abuse they get :working as a bruiser is the lowest form of employment a man can have -if someone was intelligent enough to do something else then they wouldn't be a bouncer.

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My experience with bouncers was when they they came into the club and started beating up two french student friends for no apparent reason in the Republic in the late nineties. I think when the bouncers calmed down they refunded the students their admission. It was never explained why they attacked them. Rumours going round at the time were that the Republic and its bouncers had shady mafieuse conections . Most thugs from the criminal underworld have worked at some point in their lives as doormen.

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Originally posted by Paul2412

Ive had my disagreements with bouncers before, but generally its when ive had too much to drink and decided to do something daft that either a) endangers myself b) endangers others or c) generally acting a pillock


people have to remember that bouncers deal with idiots almost nightly, and although some are abit heavy handed if you dont cause trouble or fall over then they dont bother you!


i think most bouncers are fine and do their job well, i always feel safe in clubs and thats partly because if there is trouble the guys are always quick to stop it...


The most sensible post on this thread :thumbsup:


I'm willing to swap roles with someone for a night, you do my job and I'll act clever and hard in front of my mates while pretending to be a ninja turtle or dancing on a table full of glass :D

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I know this is an old post, But oh my god.


Get off there backs will ya, if it wasnt for the door staff(thats the good ones) no one would ever go out. You would all fear at wether or not your going to get attacked.


Yes report this incident not only to john but to the police as well.


But get of the doormans backs will ya, there is some great guys out there.


And one of them will be wisper from purple, now he was a smashing doorman.

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Originally posted by parcher

Where I work, we have a chap who is a bouncer by night and to watch him handle aggressive customers is a real education. He gets shot of them with minimal trouble and often unnoticed by the rest of the rest of the customers in the shop. Of course the fact that he is built like the proverbial brick outhouse probably helps ...... :hihi:


There's a guy like that who works at Gatecrasher. Looks hard as nails and I certainly wouldn't mess, but he's also a really lovely guy.


Also in defence of bouncers/doorstaff... Part of their job is to look after the welfare of the staff as well... When I worked in Gatecrasher most of the bouncers were fantastic if anybody threatened/was abusive to me or my staff. However, one night I refused to serve a very drunk girl who decided than rather wait at the front of the bar, she would come round the side, until she was pretty much behind the bar. I repeatedly asked her to move from where she was and explained that she wouldn't get served if she didn't move. She then moved and I thought that was the end of it, until she reappearred in front of me with a bottle threatening to hit me with it. Luckily somebody (a customer, I never saw who it was but thankyou!!!) managed to grab the bottle from her and she ran off. I identified her to the bouncer in charge of my room, and he REFUSED TO THROW HER OUT BECAUSE HE KNEW HER. Luckily for me, another bouncer was less discriminatory and got rid of her, but I have never felt more vulnerable or scared as when he said he wouldn't throw her out.


But overall, thanks guys, you did a brilliant job (probably still do but I don't get down there very often these days!!)

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