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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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If it wasnt for the door staff, most of us bar staff wouldnt work in some of the venues round town.


Especially down at the leadmill. They had an incident last year with a well known cage fighter, who unfortunatly did kick **** out of a couple of the doorstaff. But if it wasnt for them it could have ended up far worse.


I can bring up a lot of these similiar situations in a lot of the clubs and bars round town and if it wasnt for the doorstaff.

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I've been clubbing for years at many sheffield venues and on the whole I have to say the bouncers have been fine. Although I have seen a couple of incidents including one where 4 bouncers were kicking the cr*p out of a guy who was laid in the street outside a club.


The bouncers in the Arches used to pinch my bum as I walked past which was a bit cheeky :blush: but all good humoured!

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With regards to the above, Thats because the majority of bouncers are slimy B******s who think they are God's gift and cannot be defended. The reason why anyone is a bouncer is because they enjoy a ruck, why else would you do it ? and please no one say because they care about our safety. These guys aren't under paid and if the truth be known it is probably one of the best wage's that can be earnt in a non-skilled profession and the bonuses aren't bad either the bouncers in the "capital" in the mid-nineties spring to mind who used to confiscate drugs from would be sellers trying to enter the club and then selling them on themselves for an undoubted handsome profit. If you want to know why bouncers have a bad reputation is because most have earnt it and we all have to live with stereotyping so pipe down and get over it.

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Pathetic to you maybe, but we all have our own experiences and I am just speaking from mine......... but you still give no good reasons why anyone would want to be a bouncer other than the one that I mentioned earlier..... Not called bouncers for nothing, maybe they should change their branding and be known as mediators that way there would be no confusion as to their role...... Nothing personal to you or any of the other guys on here who do the doors but there will always be division on this subject.....

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I was the Front of House Manager at The Leadmill for two years (left in September this year) and the Security Manager for three years before that, and have read this thread with interest.


There will always be people who think that Door Supervisors ("bouncers") are uneducated thugs who only do the job because of the "rucks". In my experience, nothing could be further from the truth.


During my time at The Leadmill, I had staff who were under graduates, post graduates, teachers, PhD's etc (I was an accountant before I moved into the nightclub industry). Most Door Supervisors do the job for extra cash and, yes, the money is fairly good but it is not an unskilled job and the risks are high - how many times do most people look down the barrel of a gun or face someone holding a knife??


The security industry is much better than it used to be, partly down to the compulsory training that Door Supervisors have to do. Admittedly, it could still be better but it is getting there.


With regards to The Leadmill's Door Supervisors, they are all employed "in house" so the club management know exactly who they have working for them. In my opinion, this is much better than using agency staff. If you have a complaint with the Leadmill's Door Supervisors, contact the club (James) and they will investigate your complaint.


Most door staff are there for your safety - with the licensing regualations, they would be foolish to resort to violence for the sake of it, they would lose their licence and get a criminal conviction.

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Each doorman has their own reasons for doing the job and I have my own reasons (mainly for a second income).


I'm sick of people casting stereotypes because of a personal incident. You encounter one bad doorman and the rest are tarnished with the same brush.


I've had major incidencts with doormen/women in the past and at least I'm man enough to admit I was in the wrong.

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Originally posted by Anne23

I've been clubbing for years at many sheffield venues and on the whole I have to say the bouncers have been fine. Although I have seen a couple of incidents including one where 4 bouncers were kicking the cr*p out of a guy who was laid in the street outside a club.


The bouncers in the Arches used to pinch my bum as I walked past which was a bit cheeky :blush: but all good humoured!


the arches had some great doormen, but there was one crew they had in who where a bit pervy, they didnt last too long though, as the only fight i have ever seen at the arches was when they where there, and thats because one of the bouncers was chatting somebodys girlfriend up.


but apart from that, any club i've been in has had good bouncers:thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Mucky_Wizard

richl - D2J Your arguments are well put and I feel suitably put right and will make it my New Years Resoloution to stop tarring all Sheffield doormen with the same brush......


Its not a case of putting an argument together, one bad experience and you are naturally going to feel bitter towards other people in the profession, that I do understand :)

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