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I'm annoyed - very annoyed with the bouncers at the Leadmill


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the problom people have with bouncers is this


a) you get ****** at us because we wont let you in, cus your wearing a base ball hat and you look a tramp


b) you been out all day on the **** and your so ****** you cant stand, so we dont let you in


c) you had two pints of beer and you think your charles atlas and can fight everyone, so u dont get in.


now when your in, you dont like it when we chuck you out for snorting crack in the toilets


Trying to shag some tart in the loos


slapping a girl around cus she told u to f off because you tried to kiss her


throwing drinks all over


loud mouthing the bar staff


trying to get away without paying for your drinks


dancing on the speakers


smoking a joint


falling all over the place cus your ******



these are just a few reasons why u dont like bouncers, but hang on a min. take a look why you dont like us, because we put a stop to your anti social beaviour, when i chuck you out its for the safety of the people inside you want a good night out without there arses being gropped or some little drunk who starts a fight with a guy cus is girlfriend dont like your crap chat up lines. i ask every single person to leave before i lay a hand on them and you know what most leave. now if they dont its the law that i can use minimum force to do so. and thats whats done, even though i have had glasses thrown at me, my face scrached, slashed with a bottle, knife pulled out on me etc. and there is people on hear saying we are thugs lol, you want your heads looking at. take a look at yourselfs first.


tell you some thing complain next time when your drunk and you feal some girls arse, and her boyfriend and his mates see you, so they decided to kick the hell out of you. tell you something now you will be glad for me to come over and risk my life for you to get them off.



i am a dam good doorman, never harmed anyone, i have a science degrea , full time job, my owm martial arts school and no criminal record, so the nob who thinks were thick and cant do nothing else think again.


so before you pull us all down think about the posative things we do;-


watch over you when your ****** and cant look after your self


put your girlfriend in a taxi make sure she gets home ok


stop drugs being sold to your kids


get you out of trouble


stand between you and the guy thats going to shove a broken bottle in your face


throw out the guy thats just put is hand up your girls skirt


give you first aid when you hurt yourself


you people havent a clue what we do for you



and as for us looking tuff etc,,,,,, that goes with the job. do you think i would be taken seriously if i tried to break up a fight waring jeans, trainers and a tea shirt. i think not



o and one other thing guys....... its true that we get loads of girls. you know why. because we are men, we dont get ****** on two halfs of beer, we train hard so are very fit, so no rolling over for a fag after five minuites, we have respect and know how to treat a girl. and we dont think we are tom cruise after a pint. so you kids have got a long way to go before you will ever be as mature as us.



as for all the girls and lads or come down town for a good night out and are sensable,, THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU... i will hopefully be the one who is watching over you and, i would gladly give my life to protect you, because thats the job i have chosen to do. make no mistake i will be there to help you.



As for all you idiots who think you can get ****** and come into venues causing trouble, think again, because if you come in my club, spoiling the night for people, you will be leaving early. and yes on you arse if need be.



as for the comments about us being all crimminals, hears one for you YOU CANT GET YOUR DOOR LICENCE BY LAW IF YOU GOT A CRIMINAL RECORD.



so bye for now, thanks to all the people who do appreciate us, and all the other bouncers who have come on hear to stand up against the nuts who think we are all bad.






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Originally posted by teslatank00

yes i might marry you but you need to be female and single....... dont want to give this lot any more bad things to have a go at us about :lol: :lol: :lol:


Point taken, I never listen to anyone, I just do my job :hihi:


The cu... stomers can think whatever they like :lol:

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to be fair tesla, i can mainly see where your coming from.......


but i ask you, when people go to certain clubs and are wearing shoes, trousers and shirt.... are clearly over 18 and not drunk, and get turned away for being "too casual" where does that come in to not being refused??


there are various problems i have with bouncers on occasions, and im not a trouble causer..... nor am i ever that drunk that i will start fighting or anything. but on a whole i try and get on with them, as i respect they have a job to do, majority are ok..... but there are some who just see it as a power trip and wanna enfore that they can do as they wish.

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Originally posted by Mucky_Wizard The reason why anyone is a bouncer is because they enjoy a ruck, why else would you do it ? and please no one say because they care about our safety. These guys aren't under paid

I know this post has already been addressed, but what a load of tosh. And - this is from experience - door staff are underpaid for the job they do. Its not enough money for the risks they run.

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Originally posted by teslatank00

snorting crack in the toilets


Trying to shag some tart in the loos


slapping a girl around cus she told u to f off because you tried to kiss her


throwing drinks all over


loud mouthing the bar staff


trying to get away without paying for your drinks


dancing on the speakers


smoking a joint


falling all over the place cus your ******



That sounds like a good night out. Where is this place? :hihi::heyhey::cool:

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hello robbie, sometimes door staff say your to casuall, as an excuse not to let you in. many reasons for that ie... they think they chucked you out before, they think your with a group that are going to band up inside, or sometimes its unfair but they might just not like the look of you. even though you are a realy respectable guy who would be fine inside. its easy and legal for them not to let you in because of you dress code, than to say something like you aint coming in pal cus you look trouble !



hope you get in my club mate, you sound ok to me ;)

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