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Best recovery supplement


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Whats the best supplement to take for a recovery after the gym?

Iv heard this new stuff is amazing called 'After Glow' £29.99 from bodyactive

Take it 30 minutes after training and then you have an option of taking your main protein supplement before you go to sleep ect..


And another thing, iv been told you can have protein with/while you do a workout.. is there any point in doing this or is it a recommended option? if so whats the best protein to have for a workout?


Anyone recommend anything?

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Whats the best supplement to take for a recovery after the gym?

Iv heard this new stuff is amazing called 'After Glow' £29.99 from bodyactive

Take it 30 minutes after training and then you have an option of taking your main protein supplement before you go to sleep ect..


And another thing, iv been told you can have protein with/while you do a workout.. is there any point in doing this or is it a recommended option? if so whats the best protein to have for a workout?


Anyone recommend anything?


Not sure about this new supplement? I find that having enough protein in my diet and supplementing this with protein shakes allows me to recover fast enough. However, some people also use BCAAs to repair tissue and help with recovery depending on what type of workout you're doing.


The best protein supplement for you depends on what you are hoping to achieve. For general protein the basic stuff at myprotein.com seems to do the trick and is very affordable. However, if you're trying to gain weight fast then you might be better off using something like Size On or another protein gainer. However, all this can also be done with proper diet in most circumstances.


I have 3 protein shakes a day. One in the middle of the day, one shortly before a workout and one immediately after. It's always beneficial to have one immediately after as this is when your body will be trying to repair itself. Also, only take them with water, not milk as some people do as milk contains casein protein which slows down the absorption of whey protein where it's needed.

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