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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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I must have read the article a different way to everyone else - I thought she was arguing against abortion altogether on the basis that we wouldn't kill a newborn, therefore how can it be right to kill before birth.


That was my suspicion, given that she draws a parallel with an abortion that wouldn't be legal.

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After going through a life changing, potentially life threatening 9 months of pregnancy. I disagree completely with you, abortion should be considered a fundamental human right.


I dont know where this sense of entitlement, for what is a discretionary surgical procedure, comes from; an abortion should only be allowed in an emergency, when it is highly likely the mother will die as a result of pregnancy/birth.


Edit: actually I do know where the sense of entitlement comes from - the far left, who dismiss the pro-life stance and Christian-right dogma, or bourgoise sentimentality.

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I dont know where this sense of entitlement, for what is a discretionary surgical procedure, comes from; an abortion should only be allowed in an emergency, when it is highly likely the mother will die as a result of pregnancy/birth.


Edit: actually I do know where the sense of entitlement comes from - the far left, who dismiss the pro-life stance and Christian-right dogma, or bourgoise sentimentality.


So you would, for instance, insist that a woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant from that, is denied the option of an abortion? :confused:

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So you would, for instance, insist that a woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant from that, is denied the option of an abortion? :confused:


I was asked that earlier in the thread and my answer was yes, I would deny the woman an abortion; there are many options available to women in this situation.

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I was asked that earlier in the thread and my answer was yes, I would deny the woman an abortion; there are many options available to women in this situation.



A hypothetical case:


Married mother with 3 children. Raped and becomes pregnant.


Could you please elaborate on what options she has if denied the option to choose an abortion.

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Please name them.


A hypothetical case:


Married mother with 3 children. Raped and becomes pregnant.


Could you please elaborate on what options she has if denied the option to choose an abortion.


There is counciling of course, or even adoption; there are no end of people that offer these things.

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There is counciling of course, or even adoption; there are no end of people that offer these things.


For who? the woman?, her husband?, her children?, The unborn child when it reaches and age when it ask questions of its adoptive parents?


Counselling throughout the pregnancy so the woman doesn't harm herself or her children?, maybe section her if the thought of carrying and giving birth to her rapist baby is too much?


All that on top of the trauma of the rape itself to her and her family.


You've not thought this through have you dear :roll:

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If we can't think about disturbing ideas then we can't discuss them and we can't be sure that we've really come to the right conclusion or that we can explain that conclusion to someone else.

OCD is nothing to do with thinking about an unpleasant idea.


Yes it has. Read up some of the symptoms of OCD.


With OCD the thoughts "intrude" meaning that these thoughts cannot be dismissed in a second as ludicrous and insane as they would in a person who is not OCD. With OCD these thoughts dont go away so easily and even though the person would never put these thoughts into practice under any circumstances nevertheless they can become obsessive to the point of causing extreme mental distress for a set period of time.


How do I know all this? My first wife suffered from OCD and it caused her long periods of depression and was the cause of our eventual separation.

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