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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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It's not necessarily a surgical procedure at all, indeed most abortions aren't.


You can't 'disallow' people from doing things to their own body. It's not yours to say what they can and cannot do to it. That's where the sense of entitlement comes from, their body, their choice.


They're not "doing things to their own body" though are they? other people are - doctors, nurses etc, in a medical(that is the word I should have used) procedure, and I dont see where the entitlement comes from to have this done in non-life or death emergency situations. It is abused as a form of contraception.


Aside from when a woman is raped, conceiving a child is a consequence of two peoples actions, and aborting to get out of it is immoral and should be outlawed.

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You're not just talking about withdrawing the right to a free discretionary medical procedure though are you.

You're talking about making abortion illegal unless medically required. You are talking about taking away the choice of what to do to someones own body.


Its actually about protecting the right to life of, existing/conceived, unborn human beings.

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You're not just talking about withdrawing the right to a free discretionary medical procedure though are you.

You're talking about making abortion illegal unless medically required. You are talking about taking away the choice of what to do to someones own body.


Precisely which why I used the hypothetical case of a pregnancy through rape.


In my eyes a woman has as much right to end a pregnancy as she does to start one. It his her body.


Taking this to its extreme it would not be beyond the bounds of imagination that theGuy views contraception as the denial of the woman's eggs to become fertilised and so a child is denied the right to exist.



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They're not "doing things to their own body" though are they? other people are - doctors, nurses etc, in a medical(that is the word I should have used) procedure, and I dont see where the entitlement comes from to have this done in non-life or death emergency situations. It is abused as a form of contraception.


Aside from when a woman is raped, conceiving a child is a consequence of two peoples actions, and aborting to get out of it is immoral and should be outlawed.


So you are back peddling on the rape issue? :help:

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a human life has been created from the moment of conception.

On what basis? At 1 cell large it is not human. It has no brain, no nervous system. What makes it human?


If you feel that way about 1 cell then you slaughter millions when you wash your face. You massacre thousands when you cut one hair.

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a human life has been created from the moment of conception.


Genetic material isn't a very good definition of a life though is it.


Any more than plans are for a building.


It is the end product that defines the life not a single cell.

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No, I stand by everything I've said.


Would you care to come and give a talk at the local rape crisis centre on your views to the very 'women' who have faced this issue. You know, in the 'real world'. I'm sure you could give them a whole new outlook as you tell them that they are potential murderers for even thinking of aborting a pregnancy from rape. :roll:

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