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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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As a nurse I have attended at abortions. These foetuses breathe and cry, so I cannot agree with the woman who classes them as having no life.


Pattricia In the early seventies i was training for State Enrollment,I spent 8 weeks in theatre in my first year. A few times i was in the Gynaecology theatre. To this day i can still remember an incident where i was asked to clear a trolley and unexpectedly i removed a receiver with a cover,and on removing the lid i realised i was looking at a foetus,and on disposing the contents into the waste bin i felt quite upset.I could say more but i won't.

I believe now that it was a 28 week foetus as at that time it was legal.

Until that time i had no views at all about abortion, i still would not condemn a persons right to choose,but i wish the subject was discussed more freely and expressed more honestly so that the right decision for any individual was made with full certainty.

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But there were intentional killings.


As there were intentional killings of people of any age. In London's east end many infants diied from criminal neglect caused by drunken parents or malnutrition or exposure to filthy conditions. Those could not be called intentional killings however.


Children born into better circumstances frequently died from the major infant killer menangitis.


For more insight read Jack London's "Children of the Abyss"

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Pattricia In the early seventies i was training for State Enrollment,I spent 8 weeks in theatre in my first year. A few times i was in the Gynaecology theatre. To this day i can still remember an incident where i was asked to clear a trolley and unexpectedly i removed a receiver with a cover,and on removing the lid i realised i was looking at a foetus,and on disposing the contents into the waste bin i felt quite upset.I could say more but i won't.

I believe now that it was a 28 week foetus as at that time it was legal.

Until that time i had no views at all about abortion, i still would not condemn a persons right to choose,but i wish the subject was discussed more freely and expressed more honestly so that the right decision for any individual was made with full certainty.


I say graphic images of abortions should be published widely, just like images of the consequences of smoking are.

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Oh, so you acknowledge that "children" are being terminated and not merely "cells" or "foetuses"??

No. It's not my premise - it is yours.


You say a fetus is a child, and you want to publish pictures of them with no clothes on. Thus, I asked a question.


I have stolen this line of argument off Doug Stanhope, who does it in a much darker way than I'd do on here.

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