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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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Thinking one thing but typing another?

You never done that?


And whilst ive got you here, fancy commenting on the link?


By then:wave:


My opinion as a someone who is coming from the point of view as "pro choice", is that this lady is wrong. I don't think that you are comparing like with like, an embryo or foetus is not a baby. So for me the comparison isn't valid and for this the argument fails.


Away from the real world in the ivory towers of academia it is an interesting debating point to explore the issue of abortion, but to suggest that the point should be discussed with a view to implementing it is just plain wrong.


I am also aware that I'm not reading this lady's work but the Mail's spin of her work so it is really difficult to comment upon her intentions.

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I find that the most distressing article I have read.


My personal beliefs are that abortion at 24 weeks should be dramatically changed. It should be lowered to 16- at the very most 18weeks.


My very beautiful, bubbly, gorgeous, full of life baby girl was born 2 weeks after I couldve legally had an abortion. It makes me sick to the core. She had eyelashes, fingernails, hair. She wriggled around in her incubater snuggly looking uncomfy if her nappy was dirty or wet. She reacted to pain when the doctors were performing a medical procedure. Her eyelids fluttered if we spoke to her & she would pull her feet away if we tickled them.


I also had a baby at 24 weeks (exactly) who passed away aged 2hours. She too had all the reactions described above. The day before I had her (23+6) I could've legally had an abotion.


A healthy happy baby being euthanised because it has a disability or mummy decides she can't afford it????????

Astounding......she sounds like hitler to me.

A baby is a baby and has the right to live by 24 weeks, so to suggest that they don't have basic human rights after birth is dangerous & deplorable.

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Im comparing nothing with anything.


Sorry me bad, typo!


..... an embryo or foetus is not a baby.


Some would disagree


Some people might also try to argue that a cat is a dog but they'd also be wrong. There are set times in our development when we are called embryo, foetus and baby.

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I find that the most distressing article I have read.


My personal beliefs are that abortion at 24 weeks should be dramatically changed. It should be lowered to 16- at the very most 18weeks.


My very beautiful, bubbly, gorgeous, full of life baby girl was born 2 weeks after I couldve legally had an abortion. It makes me sick to the core. She had eyelashes, fingernails, hair. She wriggled around in her incubater snuggly looking uncomfy if her nappy was dirty or wet. She reacted to pain when the doctors were performing a medical procedure. Her eyelids fluttered if we spoke to her & she would pull her feet away if we tickled them.


I also had a baby at 24 weeks (exactly) who passed away aged 2hours. She too had all the reactions described above. The day before I had her (23+6) I could've legally had an abotion.


A healthy happy baby being euthanised because it has a disability or mummy decides she can't afford it????????

Astounding......she sounds like hitler to me.

A baby is a baby and has the right to live by 24 weeks, so to suggest that they don't have basic human rights after birth is dangerous & deplorable.


Beautiful posts.

Im genuinly moved by that :)

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I find that the most distressing article I have read.


My personal beliefs are that abortion at 24 weeks should be dramatically changed. It should be lowered to 16- at the very most 18weeks.


My very beautiful, bubbly, gorgeous, full of life baby girl was born 2 weeks after I couldve legally had an abortion. It makes me sick to the core. She had eyelashes, fingernails, hair. She wriggled around in her incubater snuggly looking uncomfy if her nappy was dirty or wet. She reacted to pain when the doctors were performing a medical procedure. Her eyelids fluttered if we spoke to her & she would pull her feet away if we tickled them.


I also had a baby at 24 weeks (exactly) who passed away aged 2hours. She too had all the reactions described above. The day before I had her (23+6) I could've legally had an abotion.


A healthy happy baby being euthanised because it has a disability or mummy decides she can't afford it????????

Astounding......she sounds like hitler to me.

A baby is a baby and has the right to live by 24 weeks, so to suggest that they don't have basic human rights after birth is dangerous & deplorable.


Very few abortions occur in the 20-23 week mark, and of this tiny minority the majority happen due to medical reasons. The vast majority happen in the under 9 weeks mark.

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It happens to us all.


No they dont. Unless they are drunk, stupid or on the troll.



Im sure they would be.



Can you name them please?


If you're more interested here is a basic Wiki article discussing the prenatal period in our development.

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I find that the most distressing article I have read.


My personal beliefs are that abortion at 24 weeks should be dramatically changed. It should be lowered to 16- at the very most 18weeks.My very beautiful, bubbly, gorgeous, full of life baby girl was born 2 weeks after I couldve legally had an abortion. It makes me sick to the core. She had eyelashes, fingernails, hair. She wriggled around in her incubater snuggly looking uncomfy if her nappy was dirty or wet. She reacted to pain when the doctors were performing a medical procedure. Her eyelids fluttered if we spoke to her & she would pull her feet away if we tickled them.


I also had a baby at 24 weeks (exactly) who passed away aged 2hours. She too had all the reactions described above. The day before I had her (23+6) I could've legally had an abotion.


A healthy happy baby being euthanised because it has a disability or mummy decides she can't afford it????????

Astounding......she sounds like hitler to me.

A baby is a baby and has the right to live by 24 weeks, so to suggest that they don't have basic human rights after birth is dangerous & deplorable.


I have to say that I totally disagree. If screening for chromosomal abnormalities and terminating on the grounds of a a positive result for one of the myriad of conditions that are tested for, it would be almost impossible to do this before 18 weeks, which is an induced miscarriage and labour, rather than D&C.


Whilst you have some very difficult and moving experiences, I find that there is a danger of projecting these onto others and it's easy to get sentimental and emotional. I support the right of a woman (and partner) to terminate a pregnancy if they don't want it, can't afford it or discover a disability in utero.


I do not however, agree with what is written in the article.

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I have to say that I totally disagree. If screening for chromosomal abnormalities and terminating on the grounds of a a positive result for one of the myriad of conditions that are tested for, it would be almost impossible to do this before 18 weeks, which is an induced miscarriage and labour, rather than D&C.


Whilst you have some very difficult and moving experiences, I find that there is a danger of projecting these onto others and it's easy to get sentimental and emotional. I support the right of a woman (and partner) to terminate a pregnancy if they don't want it, can't afford it or discover a disability in utero.


I do not however, agree with what is written in the article.


I'm not against abortion on the whole just late abortion. The law should definately definately be lowered maybe to twenty weeks for a start.


Do you have personal experience suffragette? Have you seen a 'feotus' in real life.

I was in labour with my first daughter when she was still classed as a 'foetus' 12 hours later when she was born she was classed legally as a baby. If she'd been born just 12 hours I wouldnt have had to register her birth & death, she wouldnt have had to have a funeral or burial. What physically was any differant in 12 hours??


Nothing except her rights which tells me that those rights need lowering to the even younger 'foetus'

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I'm not against abortion on the whole just late abortion. The law should definately definately be lowered maybe to twenty weeks for a start.


Do you have personal experience suffragette? Have you seen a 'feotus' in real life.

I was in labour with my first daughter when she was still classed as a 'foetus' 12 hours later when she was born she was classed legally as a baby. If she'd been born just 12 hours I wouldnt have had to register her birth & death, she wouldnt have had to have a funeral or burial. What physically was any differant in 12 hours??


Nothing except her rights which tells me that those rights need lowering to the even younger 'foetus'


No, I don't have any experience like yours, both of my children were born at term.


The difference is being 'viable' ex utero, which very few 24 weekers are. Some countries go by birth weight I think rather than rigidly sticking to gestation age. 20 weeks is still cutting it too fine.

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