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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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I know plenty of families whose lives have been devastated by having a child with disabilities. The other siblings barely get a look in, understandably, as the child with disabilities needs more time and attention, it totally alters the family dynamic. Factor into that endless hospital appointments, the worry and angst about what will happen to the said child when the parents die, who will care for him/her? I would not choose to have that happen, I had every ante-natal test available to me at the time and would have terminated had anything shown up. If that makes me a terrible person, then so be it.


Odd that you should feel that someone should think you are a terrible person,for wishing to do what you feel is right.Thats only a conclusion that you have drawn,was it viewed as a personal attack?

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Odd that you should feel that someone should think you are a terrible person,for wishing to do what you feel is right.Thats only a conclusion that you have drawn,was it viewed as a personal attack?


I don't but there will be plenty who do. This is why a lot of women choose to keep their pregnancies hidden until they've had all the tests. People are very judgemental, as evidenced by some of the comments on this thread.

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It does open up an interesting discussion in that disabled people are not worth, apparently, as much as able bodied ones. This is pure discrimination, surely..


I'm unsure if Steven Hawkins was born with disabilities but what if he'd been terminated, or his like, because his medical report was not up to some peoples standards?


Would the world have been a better place? I doubt it..

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Is there anyone who supports a woman's right to terminate a baby due to its sex on here?


I dunno if anyone has stated that they think this is acceptable?


I support a woman's right to terminate a baby full-stop. I would hope that she would not be pressured into it or feel that one gender is better than another (despite many cultures reinforcing this belief) but if someone really wanted a child of a particular sex, there is nothing to stop them getting a termination (in this Country at least).

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I support a woman's right to terminate a baby full-stop. I would hope that she would not be pressured into it or feel that one gender is better than another (despite many cultures reinforcing this belief) but if someone really wanted a child of a particular sex, there is nothing to stop them getting a termination (in this Country at least).


What about if she wanted a termination due to the race of the child? Would that be a good enough reason. Say she was black but didn't really want a mixed race child. Would that reason, alone, be enough?


Just asking...

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Its an absolute outrage to abort a fetus/child for non-medical emergency reasons, (in other words because the parents dont want a child) and should be stopped, if not by legislation, then by a high profile publicity campaign showing graphic images and footage of abortions taking place to shock people and change the culture.


*Que idiot chris sleeps to ask me if I want to publish images of naked children* :roll::loopy:


A woman's mental health does not constitute valid medical grounds then?:huh:

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We had a friend in Canada who had 3 kids one on them a girl who was mentally backward, the mind of a 5 year old. Her mother took care of her until the day she (the mother) died.


The two siblings of the mentally backward girl refused to take over the care and the girl was placed in an institution.


I dont condemn either of the siblings in the slightest. I couldn't handle that situatiom myself.


Those well meaning mothers and fathers who do decide to bring up a mentally disabled child should realize that they will be stuck with that until their dying day. A tremendous burden IMO

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