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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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Its an absolute outrage to abort a fetus/child for non-medical emergency reasons, (in other words because the parents dont want a child) and should be stopped, if not by legislation, then by a high profile publicity campaign showing graphic images and footage of abortions taking place to shock people and change the culture.


*Que idiot chris sleeps to ask me if I want to publish images of naked children* :roll::loopy:


It's an absolute outrage that male children are seen as more desireable than female children. How would you profess to stop it? If anyone is intelligent enough to give 'acceptable' reasons, they will get an abortion. It is better to educate and try to shift cultural perceptions rather than legislate for the impossible.

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We had a friend in Canada who had 3 kids one on them a girl who was mentally backward, the mind of a 5 year old. Her mother took care of her until the day she (the mother) died.


The two siblings of the mentally backward girl refused to take over the care and the girl was placed in an institution.


I dont condemn either of the siblings in the slightest. I couldn't handle that situatiom myself.


Those well meaning mothers and fathers who do decide to bring up a mentally disabled child should realize that they will be stuck with that until their dying day. A tremendous burden IMO


I don't know how I would cope either. I wonder if the parents ever wish that their child had never been or that they would cease to be. And if they do, how they cope with those thoughts.

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They kept marrying each other trying to keep the blood pure - it was eugenics as far as they were concerned. Pity they were all pig-ignorant imbeciles with hereditary diseases to begin with. Needless to say it was a total catastrafinishthewordoffyourself.


I expect the Spartans got better mileage out of their technique.

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She's right on one count - or part of one count. Killing a baby two days after the birth is very little different from killing it two days before the birth. That's why we don't allow abortion at such a late stage


it's a new concept :shocked:


but i guess it makes sense....

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Its an absolute outrage to abort a fetus/child for non-medical emergency reasons, (in other words because the parents dont want a child) and should be stopped, if not by legislation, then by a high profile publicity campaign showing graphic images and footage of abortions taking place to shock people and change the culture.


*Que idiot chris sleeps to ask me if I want to publish images of naked children* :roll::loopy:


There are graphic images of aborted babies on the Internet for anyone to see They have been put on by anti abortion groups who feel very strongly about abortion.

I dissaprove of some of the tactics of some members of these groups.To condemn an act is one thing,but to condemn in such a way as to cause a vulnerable women who is, or is going through a devestating time and probably going through emotional turmoil is wrong,especially when that entails making that woman feel guilty and creating further distress, no one can know what they are feeling unless they have been in that position.


On the other hand if a person feels abortion is wrong or has reservations, as i do should they keep silent to spare a persons feelings?

It is a dilemma and one i have thought about since this thread was opened.

I would never have thought it possible before, that i would have posted a comment that described my experience in an operating theatre as i did yesterday.I was 19 at that time,and i can still remember what it felt like placing a foetus in a waste bin.

Abortion is not an easy option, and is not a procedure without risks,even at our more advanced stages of medicine.Those affects are not always evident until later in life.

People do have a right to choose but that choice should be a fully informed one, and i'm sorry to say people are not always given the full facts.

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No, Eugenics is what the European Royal Families tried to do for four centuries, and what the Spartans did with their infants.


Yes i have just googled to check that,because i didn't know.

I thought you were joking at first...not always sure with you.:)


Though Eugenics was used to describe the regime used by those Nazi doctors to get rid of the mentally infirm and other groups. One representation of it anyway.

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Absolutely, but because the Nazis did it doesn't mean that it was bad.


Mussolini made the trains run on time (allegedly, this is Italy we're talking about) - does that mean if our trains are not late, we live in a fascist society?


In my opinion there's nothing wrong with eugenics in the purest sense of the definition (good genetics). There are eugenic laws in the UK and most world religions have them too.

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Yes i have just googled to check that,because i didn't know.

I thought you were joking at first...not always sure with you.:)


Though Eugenics was used to describe the regime used by those Nazi doctors to get rid of the mentally infirm and other groups. One representation of it anyway.


As you say, that is one interpretation of the term eugenics. It was practised in America, too. (Including forced sterilisation etc)


The general principle of eugenics is to create some kind of master race, a race of perfection, where infirmities, impurities and "flaws" are eliminated by "Good Breeding". (She :gag:s)

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