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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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20th December 2011


Over 8,000 foster families are needed to help children's care services, after the number of children in care has risen for the last five years in a row.

Can you see a flaw in putting more children into care due to abortion not being an option?


What evidence do you have that the number of children in care would rise if the abortion laws were more strictly adhered to?

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end of


Nothing is ever "End of" when you are only talking from opinion and not personal experience.

So a women has decided that she feels she needs an abortion and you think an option would be to make her carry full term...give birth...THEN look at the baby she wanted to terminate.

Do you not see any issues with the above?

It must be oh so nice to be able to comment on this subject with out the personal experience of the trauma.


Trust me, that is not an option.

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Nothing is ever "End of" when you are only talking from opinion and not personal experience.

So a women has decided that she feels she needs an abortion and you think an option would be to make her carry full term...give birth...THEN look at the baby she wanted to terminate.

Do you not see any issues with the above?

It must be oh so nice to be able to comment on this subject with out the personal experience of the trauma.


Trust me, that is not an option.


I agree, entirely. It's absurd and frankly disturbing, to say the least, that people seem to assume that adoption is the best option not only for all the reasons that you have outlined but as is frequently the case with adopted kids, they have a lifetime of issues and feelings of abandonment to come to terms with. Having experience of people who have both adopted and been adopted, invariably (and let me stress - not always) they experience emotional difficulties which often define them.


I cannot think that many women who would choose to go to term and have the baby adopted over an abortion, unless they were deeply religious. These pro-lifers sicken me with their utter selfishness, total lack of compassion and empathy. Oh and let's NOT allow a woman to have control over her OWN body, eh?

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That's not an option when someone is pregnant, it's a situation which we aren't discussing.


If abortions we not so readily available perhaps they'd be a lot less unwanted pregnancies.


Aborting an unwanted child is the extreme manifestation of our disposable, throw-away culture.

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If abortions we not so readily available perhaps they'd be a lot less unwanted pregnancies.


Aborting an unwanted child is the extreme manifestation of our disposable, throw-away culture.


Really? And unwanted pregnancies never happened before abortion became safe and legal? Women were forced into mental institutions, forced into marriages that they didn't want, forced to go down the backstreet abortion route, forced to go through the trauma of a unwanted pregnancy to then feel compelled to hand the baby over or have him/her taken away from her? Yeah, great.:roll:

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Really? And unwanted pregnancies never happened before abortion became safe and legal? Women were forced into mental institutions, forced into marriages that they didn't want, forced to go down the backstreet abortion route, forced to go through the trauma of a unwanted pregnancy to then feel compelled to hand the baby over or have him/her taken away from her? Yeah, great.:roll:


I'm saying they would be a lot less unwanted pregnancies, not none at all.


As for back-street abortions, I've got no time for appeasement, if individuals want to damage themselves, ultimately thats their look out.

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Aborting an unwanted child is the extreme manifestation of our disposable, throw-away culture.

Aborting an unwanted pregnancy (for a fetus is not a child) is the manifestation of medical development and the control of our own reproductive systems.

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I'm saying they would be a lot less unwanted pregnancies, not none at all.


As for back-street abortions, I've got no time for appeasement, if individuals want to damage themselves, ultimately thats their look out.


How charming. There is no debate to be had with someone of your mindset who wishes to deny women the right to determine their own reproductive, sexual and mental health. Perhaps by an extension to your 'logic' you would also deny people treatment for STIs?

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