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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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I agree, entirely. It's absurd and frankly disturbing, to say the least, that people seem to assume that adoption is the best option not only for all the reasons that you have outlined but as is frequently the case with adopted kids, they have a lifetime of issues and feelings of abandonment to come to terms with. Having experience of people who have both adopted and been adopted, invariably (and let me stress - not always) they experience emotional difficulties which often define them.


I cannot think that many women who would choose to go to term and have the baby adopted over an abortion, unless they were deeply religious. These pro-lifers sicken me with their utter selfishness, total lack of compassion and empathy. Oh and let's NOT allow a woman to have control over her OWN body, eh?


I wonder if those you know who have been adopted and have experienced emotional difficulties would think it better if their birth mothers had chosen to abort them.

So pro-lifers sicken you,and you view them as utterly selfish and lacking in compassion.That sounds like a very self-rightous statement if i may say so.

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I'm saying they would be a lot less unwanted pregnancies, not none at all.


As for back-street abortions, I've got no time for appeasement, if individuals want to damage themselves, ultimately thats their look out.


There weren't "less unwanted pregnancies" before David Steel brought the Abortion Act in, back in 1967.


What we did have were women dropping like flies through haemorrhage or sepsis because they had no access to safe and legal terminations.


I find your last paragraph extremely upsetting and judgemental, with its assertion that women have brought misfortune on themselves.

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I wonder if those you know who have been adopted and have experienced emotional difficulties would think it better if their birth mothers had chosen to abort them.

So pro-lifers sicken you,and you view them as utterly selfish and lacking in compassion.That sounds like a very self-rightous statement if i may say so.


A woman I was friends with years ago, who was just a day older than me, was an adopted child, and her "parents" treated her abominably, she was little better than a slave. She had a shocking existence.


this adoptive mother, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2112735/Russian-boy-rejected-adopted-mother-thriving-foster-home-outside-Moscow.html

certainly loved and cherished the little boy she adopted...


and this is pro-life zealotry at it's height:-


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There weren't "less unwanted pregnancies" before David Steel brought the Abortion Act in, back in 1967.


What we did have were women dropping like flies through haemorrhage or sepsis because they had no access to safe and legal terminations.


I find your last paragraph extremely upsetting and judgemental, with its assertion that women have brought misfortune on themselves.


Indeed, be subjected to the absolute trauma, both physical and emotional, and the extreme violation of being raped, but don't come crying if your back-street abortion doesn't go to plan - you've only yourself to blame. Nice.


I wonder, TheGuy, if the hardline still applies if it was your (hypothetical) own daughter who found herself in this situation. With the turmoil she was faced with, would she also find that she didn't have the support of her own father, the person who is supposed to love her more than anything in the world? Shouldn't her wellbeing and happiness be paramount?

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There's no debate to be had with those who wont accept that a fetus at any stage is a human life.


Nearly all abortions take place in the early stages of pregnancy, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it can not live with out her say so.


It is up to the women if she choose's to give the fetus life.

Would you rather a child be born to poverty, Abuse or a life threatening illness or given the chance would you prevent it?

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To be perfectly honest with you I'm not an expert on how all the various forms controception work, but I would be against the ones that effectively terminate a human life once the process has started, which are distinct from, say, condoms, which are intended to prevent the process beginning.


Yeah because condoms never split. Not ever.

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I wonder if those you know who have been adopted and have experienced emotional difficulties would think it better if their birth mothers had chosen to abort them.

So pro-lifers sicken you,and you view them as utterly selfish and lacking in compassion.That sounds like a very self-rightous statement if i may say so.


I find it extremely self righteous and galling to say the least, that a male self appointed moral arbiter feels that the rights of a foetus/unborn child somehow takes priority of those of a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, to state that any woman who finds herself having to resort to a back street abortionist deserves what she gets is utterly despicable in my view.


The point that I was trying to make was that adoption is frequently not the happy ever after ending. I have met women who had unwanted babies adopted and have never come to terms with it and lived partly in fear if the day when the said child would contact them. I have yet to meet a woman who has been traumatised and never come to terms with terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

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A woman I was friends with years ago, who was just a day older than me, was an adopted child, and her "parents" treated her abominably, she was little better than a slave. She had a shocking existence.


this adoptive mother, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2112735/Russian-boy-rejected-adopted-mother-thriving-foster-home-outside-Moscow.html

certainly loved and cherished the little boy she adopted...


and this is pro-life zealotry at it's height:-



Those are appalling stories,and i am not condoning the actions of some of those pro-life zealots,some of them are clearly mentally disturbed.

I don't think all pro-lifers should be tarnished with the same brush though,and i have said what i think of some of their actions on one of my previous posts,and that was before anyone had mentioned pro-life activities a few days ago.

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