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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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I'm not against abortion on the whole just late abortion. The law should definately definately be lowered maybe to twenty weeks for a start.


Do you have personal experience suffragette? Have you seen a 'feotus' in real life.

I was in labour with my first daughter when she was still classed as a 'foetus' 12 hours later when she was born she was classed legally as a baby. If she'd been born just 12 hours I wouldnt have had to register her birth & death, she wouldnt have had to have a funeral or burial. What physically was any differant in 12 hours??


Nothing except her rights which tells me that those rights need lowering to the even younger 'foetus'


I think only a tiny amount of all abortions occur after 20 weeks, 1.5% in research reported in 2006, with the majority of those happening for medical reasons.

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No it isn't. murder is murder whether the victim is 2 days old or 200 years old IMO! :rant::loopy:


2 days yeah.

200 years? Id say that was a kindness.

Id hate to be rattling around after 200 years on this earth. I mean, imagine how wrinkly and floppy things would be:hihi::hihi:

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She's right on one count - or part of one count. Killing a baby two days after the birth is very little different from killing it two days before the birth. That's why we don't allow abortion at such a late stage.

So why do "we" allow it at an earlier stage, then? Just asking...

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If you're more interested here is a basic Wiki article discussing the prenatal period in our development.


Your link was interesting it made me think about the development of human life in the womb, and i wondered at what stage the foetus would feel pain during the trauma of the termination procedure.

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hmm. Killing a child who is full term, and viable cannot be right (although I have heard of horror stories reported where doctors have *cough* euthanased babies who were born with certain disabilities, in the belief they were 'protecting' them, from a pain-filled life) terminating a pregnancy at a stage where the foetus is not viably independent is another matter altogether.


I could not make a great deal of sense out of the article, (ha-ha typical DM article! LOL) but I suspect, very strongly that this professor, who propounded this idea, was attempting a real- life trolling, by provoking discussions and knee jerk reactions.


It's definitely an idea that fills me with horror.

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hmm. Killing a child who is full term, and viable cannot be right (although I have heard of horror stories reported where doctors have *cough* euthanased babies who were born with certain disabilities, in the belief they were 'protecting' them, from a pain-filled life) terminating a pregnancy at a stage where the foetus is not viably independent is another matter altogether.


"Not viably independent" is the problem; there is no fixed point at which a foetus becomes viably independent. Some wouldn't manage it at thirty-four weeks; some would survive at twenty.


You can even argue that, since humans are dependent on their environment to keep them alive in exactly the same way that an embryo is, the term applies either from conception right through until eventual death, or else never applies at all.

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