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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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Just as a matter of interest, you say:




You could easily say the same thing about women as well, I don't see the gender as being important. I don't see at all as doing women a favour, in fact I find this attitude very patronising, almost like you believe us men can not come to our own conclusions on a very emotive subject.


Well if you think that sounds patronising then fair enough,but there are some men who have not fully examined the facts on both sides of the fence,for or against. Havn't you any comments to add to the debate other then criticising my attitude and accusing me of being patronising.I suspect you may not read through the thread, otherwise you would not just have picked on my last post which you percieve to be a just a gender attack.

What i would further like to mention in addition to my last post is that there are many people who are not religious who are anti-abortion.There are some who may have come to that conclusion because they have not been able to conceive and have in some cases had repeated miscarriages,or perhaps a still birth.That is a terrible thing to go through.

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Maybe they should consider adopting an older child, or the masses of children stuck in Eastern Europe orphanages (which, fittingly, are normally the countries with terrible attitudes to abortion).


Some wonderful people are infertile, some awful people have masses of children, and some perfectly normal women find themselves in situations where they don't want a pregnancy. Such is life.


Well many of them do go through that route but often with difficulty it seems.

and as you say in your second comment "such is life" Yes life can be very unfair.

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Well if you think that sounds patronising then fair enough,but there are some men who have not fully examined the facts on both sides of the fence,for or against.


What makes men special in these circumstances then, I'm sure that the same could be said for women as well.



Havn't you any comments to add to the debate other then criticising my attitude and accusing me of being patronising.I suspect you may not read through the thread, otherwise you would not just have picked on my last post which you percieve to be a just a gender attack.


This is a thread that I have been keeping up with after participating on the first page, I find it interesting to gage what other people feel.


What i would further like to mention in addition to my last post is that there are many people who are not religious who are anti-abortion.There are some who may have come to that conclusion because they have not been able to conceive and have in some cases had repeated miscarriages,or perhaps a still birth.That is a terrible thing to go through.


It is perfectly understandable for people to come to conclusions like you describe for the reasons you describe, it's a deeply unfortunate fact of life that many have walked that path.

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What makes men special in these circumstances then, I'm sure that the same could be said for women as well.


Well i will admit in general i hear more more of the views of women whom i have found to be more open in discussion on immotive topics like this.

Perhaps i should have not made that previous comment,as there does seem to be more men commenting on the thread then women,i think? you can't always tell by usernames




This is a thread that I have been keeping up with after participating on the first page, I find it interesting to gage what other people feel.


Yes i do too.




It is perfectly understandable for people to come to conclusions like you describe for the reasons you describe, it's a deeply unfortunate fact of life that many have walked that path.


I'm sorry if i sounded patronising.I do try to understand others opinions

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No worries, as I said earlier it is a deeply emotive subject for many.


Anyway at least the thread has managed to stay active for some time,without having to be closed.Allowing us to gain insight into each others thoughts on the subject.

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No, sorry but i can't agree with all those comments When the abortion act was regulated to change the time limits of pregnancy termination religious pro-lifers had some input in goverment changes,they always do when it comes to ethical issues.It may only consist of one or two faith representatives that sit on these ethical commitees,but their views are considered however much you disagree with that.

I don't see why their views should not be heard,even if now they are a minority.

I'd like to just mention that i have two friends who have had abortions.One of them !5 years on is unable to conceive due to the effects of that NHS legal abortion.There are risks! even nowadays,a smaller proportion maybe then what there used to be,but still there and especially with very young girls who sometimes have repeated abortions the results may not be evident till later in life. I could post links if you wish.

Some people actually think that abortion is an easy alternative if the contraception doesn't work.Some men posting in favour of abortion on here,feeling they are doing women a great favour by showing their support and repeating their "its a womans choice" comments,when they have really no idea what it all entails.

There are many childless couples now,some of them have been going through IVF for years without success. Fertility treatment in the NHS is getting more difficult. Thousands of couples have applied to adopt babies there are so few babies to adopt available.Not that one wishes to see unwanted babies born just to satisfy the needs of childlesss couples,I'm just stating a fact.

I have more respect for the non-religious pro-lifers who at least, one assumes, have formed a view based on something other than religious dogma and opinions that were formed by men centuries ago when infant mortality was extremely high, social and cultural structures were entirely formed by religion and medicine was in its infancy. There are also plenty of ethicists who approach these issues from a philosophical rather than religious perspective.


As others have said, there are plenty of older children in the care system who could be adopted as well as babies from other countries. Many couples also go down the fertility treatment route first and see adoption as a last resort.


I'm sorry for your friend. All medical procedures carry a risk. Many women are still left unable to have further pregnancies after a really bad labour and delivery.

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There's no debate to be had with those who wont accept that a fetus at any stage is a human life and that "its" (for want of a better word) right to live once it has been brought into existence, over-rides any inconvenience of its parents.


Your quite right, it's demonstratively not a life, so if you refuse to accept that then you should really stop attempting to take part in grown up discussion.

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