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Is it ok to kill a newborn?

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I would like to see what Dr Minerva writes and not what the Daily Mail says she says. Given that her field is Ethics in Medicine, I suspect that her argument is somewhat more nuanced.


If I wrote: "It might be helpful to think about funeral arrangements for your grandparents and discuss their wishes with them", the Daily Mail woud immediately turn it into "Grandparents driven to early grave by greedy relatives".


By all means, let's have a discussion of the circumstances in which it might be acceptable for medical professionals not to take life-preserving and/or life-prolonging measures for newborn children. But let's not base it on what the DM would like us to think somebody else might have said.

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That's a bit vague! The accused has to know in advance whether it's wrong. Finding out post-facto is no use at all.


I was speaking about a more universal idea of wrongness I suppose.


The 'accused' above can know whether their act is legal or illegal - but it is up to them to decide whether they think it is right or wrong, an act of good or one of evil.


And it is up to others to decide the same. Their decision will be affected by what they know about the 'accused' and the act. Invariably their information will be incomplete, unless they are perfectly telepathic.

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Because the very thought of killing a newborn indicates a very unhealthy mind

Abnormal thought process...... Obsessivee Compulsive Disorder (The intrusion of unpleasant and unwelcome thoughts)


The woman needs counseling


What would your thoughts be on someone who suggests that the poor "might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies."?

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You don't seem to be able to grasp that the talk about killing newborns was in a theoretical and philosophical framework.


Minerva isn't suggesting that we kill newborns, she's asking questions in the persuit of intellectual enquiry and knowledge.


Thats what i read into it, but there is no certainty in that report that she was'nt advocating killing newborns,there have always been people who consider that it is perfectly ethical to do so on certain grounds.

As there are those who equate ending the life of a foetus in the womb the same as ending the life of a newborn who has just been born.

The argument against it being that the newborn has become a person and therefore has rights whereas the foetus as a potential person does not have those same rights.

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