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Ecclesfield Station Master's house??

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I am researching my husband's family history and was interested to pick up an old thread on this site about the Station Master's house at Ecclesfield Station. In 2008 user Nigel Womersle wrote that Donald Pleasence and family had once lived in the house. This caught my eye because my husband's great grandfather, William Royle, born 1847, was the stationmaster at Ecclesfield from about 1886 to 1912. He had a number of children while he lived in the Station House, one of whom was Stanley Royle, the well-known RA artist.

If possible I'd like some clarification on the following:


a)There were 2 stations at Ecclesfield, one on the Midland line (West station) and the other the South Yorkshire Railway to the east. I think William Royle worked for South Yorkshire Railways because he gave his address on the 1901 Census as Great Central Station, Ecclesfield. So can anyone confirm this was the South Yorkshire railway station?


b)Back in 2008 Nigel Womersle said that the Station house had been demolished. Would this be the house in which William Royle lived? Also does anyone have any photos of the Station House?


c) One of William Royle's daughters, Maud, was working as an elementary school teacher in 1911. She was single at this date and still living at home in the Station House. She became my husband's grandmother, marrying in 1914.

I don't know in which school she taught. Does anyone have any family memories of a Miss Royle teaching in Ecclesfield elementary school? - or in fact, in any other elementary schools within travelling distance?


I hope this rings a bell with someone. I'd be very grateful for any information.:help:

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Hi Etchyingers,

Regarding your second question about the house being demolished take a look at the former station at Blackburn lower wincobank which was on the same line.

That still stands and has the house built onto it.

Chances are and by looking at what's left of ecclesfield station, you can tell the 2 structures were probably identical and built by the same people.


You could even knock on the door of the current tennants of Blackburn station and see if they have any information for you.


Cheers Tom

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Forgive me because my post might be a load of codswallop, its just that I remember a conversation with an old lady, back in the late 70's. She told me that her father, who was a manager for the coal board, used to live in a large house at the corner of Jumble Lane and Loicher Lane, which she said was the old station manager's house. I also seem to remember a reference to Donald Pleasence in the conversation.


I have just been trawling the net to see if I can find anything to back this up, but I've drawn a blank. I just thought that if you came across anything of a similar nature, it may be a clue.

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my family lived in the old staion house ,my father worked for smiths scrap yard ,the house came with the job ,we where the last family to live there ,lots of happy times ,my mother loved the old house ,it used to have the waiting area at the side of the house as well ,we used to play in there :)

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Many thanks to everyone who has replied about the old station house - it seems to have had a lot of tenants!! I have a photo now of the station house at Wincobank which will give a good idea of what the house used to look like.


No-one has any memories of the primary school teacher called Miss Royle who lived in the station house?? Of course it's a hundred years ago now, so unless someone's grandparents talked about her, I expect its a bit of a long shot.

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Forgive me because my post might be a load of codswallop, its just that I remember a conversation with an old lady, back in the late 70's. She told me that her father, who was a manager for the coal board, used to live in a large house at the corner of Jumble Lane and Loicher Lane, which she said was the old station manager's house. I also seem to remember a reference to Donald Pleasence in the conversation.


I have just been trawling the net to see if I can find anything to back this up, but I've drawn a blank. I just thought that if you came across anything of a similar nature, it may be a clue.


You mean Butterthwaite House.

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You mean Butterthwaite House.


To be honest, I'm not sure what I mean. There appears to be reference to more than one Butterthwaite House. The house I have seen on 'Picture Sheffield' is not the one I remember. The caption there also states ' Not the one at the corner of Jumble Lane'. The gateposts at the bottom of Jumble Lane clearly show 'Butterthwaite House' carved in the top, although the property there is not how I remember it..... maybe just the memory playing tricks !

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