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Shameless mother.

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The nerve of some people


“We don’t eat rubbish and we never have. Adam absolutely loves fruit and vegetables,” says his dad Steve, 55, a slim man who suffers from a heart complaint and diabetes.

Then if they dont eat rubbish they must be eating 24/7.

Its level level of denial thats going to rob those kids of any kind of healthy future.

Teaching them to whinge about how they are picked on instead of getting them fit will serve no one!!

Especially those thids!!

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“Adam was a normal, slim little boy. In fact we thought he was a bit on the thin side. He gained weight after having his tonsils out. Then he had to go back into hospital for surgery on his fingers, which were curving inwards. Afterwards, he quickly became overweight."



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Poor kid. I just don't think 9 year olds should need to be taught about fat, and carbs, and BMI's. Its up to the parents to feed him right and let him have the exercise he needs, not send him to an overweight club. I think its really really sad that his poor little mind is already burdened with things that adults worry about. Let him be a kid for a bit longer, and just get a bit more involved!


Don't get me wrong, its nice to see his family arranging for him to go to this club but I think its a bit insensitive thats all.

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