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Shameless mother.

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Well done to poster ALLEN, the point of highlighting it was to stop all the cruel tripe you lot with no brains are posting on here!!!!! DOH

Look up what adult means and take action with yourself.


You are being very sensitive here h/h-has it touched a raw nerve?

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This thread just goes to show that bullying/jibes are not confined to the school yard, some supposed adults are no better than children


I don't see any bullying or particularly insensitive jibes - Just people pointing out that the woman may have an issue with keeping her child healthy and criticising her decision to immediately blame everyone else and run to the Star rather than admitting her child's problem and tackling it on her own

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This thread just goes to show that bullying/jibes are not confined to the school yard, some supposed adults are no better than children


Why should adults be better than children-Hitler,Pol Pot and other tyrants wee adults and rather harmful in their behaviour.

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I don't see any bullying or particularly insensitive jibes - Just people pointing out that the woman may have an issue with keeping her child healthy and criticising her decision to immediately blame everyone else and run to the Star rather than admitting her child's problem and tackling it on her own
Perhaps that's because you're a little insensitive yourself? It's a common problem, especially these days. It's not so much what they say, more the way they choose to say it.


I think the problem the family is trying to draw attention to is more that other children make unkind comments, rather than the fact that the child is plumper than average for his age.


We can see from this thread that that aspect isn't confined to children. It does beg the question, are the nasty children the children of the sort of people who have posted on this thread? I rather suspect they are. They have to get it from somewhere. It doesn't come out of thin air, otherwise all children would be nasty little bullies, and they aren't.

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The nerve of some people



Then if they dont eat rubbish they must be eating 24/7.

Its level level of denial thats going to rob those kids of any kind of healthy future.

Teaching them to whinge about how they are picked on instead of getting them fit will serve no one!!

Especially those thids!!


Are you calling her a liar?


From the article: "I am on medication for a thyroid problem. Don’t think I haven’t questioned myself or blamed myself for this,” she says. Yet the family say their tight budget has never been stretched by takeaways, sweets and treats."

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I think MrMoran is way out of line here - bullying fat people is a real laugh yeah?


You would. But then thankfully i dont really care what you think of me

so dont be offended if idont lose any sleep over it and if you think bullying fat people is so bad then its simple, dont do it.

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I think anyone who has posted something negative on this thread should allow us round to their house, to make fun of their imperfections.


I think that if we go to a star to complain about how our imperfections affect our lives then you might have a point.

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Are you calling her a liar?


From the article: "I am on medication for a thyroid problem. Don’t think I haven’t questioned myself or blamed myself for this,” she says. Yet the family say their tight budget has never been stretched by takeaways, sweets and treats."


Liar is such a strong word.

But yeah, why the hell not:roll:

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