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Shameless mother.

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Perhaps that's because you're a little insensitive yourself? It's a common problem, especially these days. It's not so much what they say, more the way they choose to say it.


I think the problem the family is trying to draw attention to is more that other children make unkind comments, rather than the fact that the child is plumper than average for his age.


We can see from this thread that that aspect isn't confined to children. It does beg the question, are the nasty children the children of the sort of people who have posted on this thread? I rather suspect they are. They have to get it from somewhere. It doesn't come out of thin air, otherwise all children would be nasty little bullies, and they aren't.


You are wrong to assume that bullying parents have similar children-and why would the thin air argument apply?

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You are wrong to assume that bullying parents have similar children-
Am I? And when did I mention bullying? I think that came from your own mind. I was referring to nasty, vindictive, insulting and judgmental comments and attitudes.

and why would the thin air argument apply?
Why wouldn't it? Nothing comes out of thin air. Children are born tabula rasa, their attitudes and perceptions are learned responses. They learn them somewhere, and that somewhere, especially in the case of young children, is usually their parents.
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Can someone tell me the point of this thread?


I see it as further bullying to a family already struggling with a problem.


Struggling????? This woman is crazy!!!! She says they get loads of exercise yet she lives a FIVE minute walk to school and she takes them in the car, parks up a grass verge as close to the gates a possible!


Oh and feeds them kids kitkats on the way into beavers/cubs.


This lady had been banned from school because of her behaviour (threatening). She was effing and blinding at another parent running beavers all because her child was "told to wait a moment" for a biscuit.


Her husband now has to bring them because she's not allowed. She's well known herself in the school for being a bully towards other parents......

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Struggling????? This woman is crazy!!!! She says they get loads of exercise yet she lives a FIVE minute walk to school and she takes them in the car, parks up a grass verge as close to the gates a possible!


Oh and feeds them kids kitkats on the way into beavers/cubs.


This lady had been banned from school because of her behaviour (threatening). She was effing and blinding at another parent running beavers all because her child was "told to wait a moment" for a biscuit.


Her husband now has to bring them because she's not allowed. She's well known herself in the school for being a bully towards other parents......

That wont go down well on here.

Even though i happen to know its true, some people wont want to believe it and instead would rather show sympathy to a family who cause chaos and upset to all those who are unfortunate enough to live near them or go to the same school as their kids.

I feel genuinly sorry for those 2 boys, being dragged up by a 'mother' like that cant be easy for them.

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I think MrMoran is way out of line here - bullying fat people is a real laugh yeah?


If you actually read the article it's describing a family who are trying really hard to help their child - I really fail to see why he feels the need to bitch about them. Is he bitter about something?


This is MrMoran who also went to great lengths criticizing other parenting skills when a mother complained her child had been served bleach in a resturant (yes in his words that was the mothers fault too who should have sipped and tasted every mouthful first).

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This is MrMoran who also went to great lengths criticizing other parenting skills when a mother complained her child had been served bleach in a resturant (yes in his words that was the mothers fault too who should have sipped and tasted every mouthful first).


Yes, thats me:D


I was right too.;)


Same with this story.


Trust me, youll see:P

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