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Shameless mother.

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I read this story in the Star last night and was amazed both by the mother's dishonesty and the reporter's inability to challenge her blinkered opinions.


Isn't it funny how fat people always claim to have a thyroid problem yet they always seem to be stuffing their faces and never exercising?


I have a friend who genuinely does have a thyroid problem, who has recently started a weightwatchers diet and in 6 weeks has lost nearly 2 stone, so to suggest thyroid problems mean you can't loose weight is complete rubbish.


I think Social Services should pay this woman a visit. As others have said, feeding her porky kids junk food and never encouraging them to exercise is tantamount to abuse.

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I read this story in the Star last night and was amazed both by the mother's dishonesty and the reporter's inability to challenge her blinkered opinions.


Isn't it funny how fat people always claim to have a thyroid problem yet they always seem to be stuffing their faces and never exercising?


I have a friend who genuinely does have a thyroid problem, who has recently started a weightwatchers diet and in 6 weeks has lost nearly 2 stone, so to suggest thyroid problems mean you can't loose weight is complete rubbish.


I think Social Services should pay this woman a visit. As others have said, feeding her porky kids junk food and never encouraging them to exercise is tantamount to abuse.


I have an underactive thyroid and am a size 8, so yes I'd agree that people blaming it are using it as an excuse.


Sounds like she doesn't let the children play out enough as apparently that would make them 'feral' :loopy:

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Perhaps that's because you're a little insensitive yourself? It's a common problem, especially these days. It's not so much what they say, more the way they choose to say it.


I think the problem the family is trying to draw attention to is more that other children make unkind comments, rather than the fact that the child is plumper than average for his age.


We can see from this thread that that aspect isn't confined to children. It does beg the question, are the nasty children the children of the sort of people who have posted on this thread? I rather suspect they are. They have to get it from somewhere. It doesn't come out of thin air, otherwise all children would be nasty little bullies, and they aren't.


Here is your reference to the B word-do you suffer amnesia?

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Struggling????? This woman is crazy!!!! She says they get loads of exercise yet she lives a FIVE minute walk to school and she takes them in the car, parks up a grass verge as close to the gates a possible!


Oh and feeds them kids kitkats on the way into beavers/cubs.


This lady had been banned from school because of her behaviour (threatening). She was effing and blinding at another parent running beavers all because her child was "told to wait a moment" for a biscuit.


Her husband now has to bring them because she's not allowed. She's well known herself in the school for being a bully towards other parents......


That casts a whole different light on the issue.

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Am I? And when did I mention bullying? I think that came from your own mind. I was referring to nasty, vindictive, insulting and judgmental comments and attitudes.

Why wouldn't it? Nothing comes out of thin air. Children are born tabula rasa, their attitudes and perceptions are learned responses. They learn them somewhere, and that somewhere, especially in the case of young children, is usually their parents.


Is tabula rasa Latin for blank slate?If it is why try to use an obscure term when there are many alternatives which even people like me will understand?I am reminded of that other Latin mantra Arse Longa,Vita Brevis-life is short but your Ar(t)s is bigger.

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My step son used to get bullied about his size, and the problem was a grandparent problem. (he used to spend a lot of time with his grandparents)

I used to help him lose the weight and he would end up putting it on because of the above people.

Then they would ring me saying "you helped him lose the weight before, will you help him out again".


I ended up really fed up, as I would do the work and they would undo it.

He would get bullied at school and it broke my heart, until one day I thought enough is enough.


And I sat down with the grandparents and said his being bullied because your filling him full of rubbish. And that it was him that suffered not them, they realised eventually and now they encourage him to eat healthy now.

Thing is his now a very tall boy and nearly 14 yrs old, so his height seems to balanced his broadness out. (That and a healthy diet) :)


Parents seem to sometimes forget it is the kids that suffer.

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