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Shameless mother.

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Tabula Rasa isn't exactly obscure... Are we only allowed to use very basic English when making a point now, in case someone doesn't understand?


The onus in communication really lies with the speaker/writer,although with some messages obscuration could be helpful.

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The onus in communication really lies with the speaker/writer,although with some messages obscuration could be helpful.


Not to the point of having to dumb down though. So long as what they write is using terms in common usage then it's fair to assume that the readers will understand.

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Not to the point of having to dumb down though. So long as what they write is using terms in common usage then it's fair to assume that the readers will understand.


I know the term from my Classics degree but I think a sample of Sheffield people would reveal a small fraction familiar with the term-as they would say in Rome,Taurum Excretum.

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How dare these fat, hideous people make a display of themselves in the Star! Do they have no shame?


Don't they know fat freaks should be not seen and not heard?


They lie all the time, pretending that they have some sort of reason for being fat other than that they spend every waking hour eating cream cakes and chocolate bars and the rest of the time making up excuses for not getting off their lardy arses.


Complaining about being bullied? Huh! What do these subhumans expect? If they don't want to be bullied, then they shouldn't be fat, should they? They should lose the lard now! We should all bully them. That will do the trick. Shame them in to losing weight, or keeping out of our view, so we don't have to see their hideous forms, then it's up to them what state they get themselves in to - unless they want to sit next to us on a bus or plane, or expect us to pay for any of their healthcare.


Yes, forget the kids who are sleeping in excrement and rummaging through the trash for food scraps and never see light of day, we need social services to concentrate on the chubby ones, who are being fed Kitkat’s on the way to Beavers, before this gets out of hand. This is the real abuse.


If they were anorexic that wouldn't be as bad, because that's a proper medical condition, isn't it, and people can't help that, and they don't look as bad. In fact, some of those supermodels and newsreaders still look pretty fit to me. Now, I've got time for them, and feel sorry for them.



Dear fellow Sheffield Family that was in The Star ( I’m sorry I can't address you by name, as the article has been removed from the Star website – I hope this is not because the response of some Sheffielders to hearing a family being bullied is to subject them to further bullying and upset.)


Forgive my poor attempts at irony, above. You are extremely brave in raising these issues of bullying. You are absolutely right 100% to challenge bullying of any kind. I am sorry if you have come across this thread and have read some of the ill-informed comments. Bullying of any kind is simply not acceptable and I’m sure many families suffering from bullying will be grateful that you are raising this issue.

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I know the term from my Classics degree but I think a sample of Sheffield people would reveal a small fraction familiar with the term-as they would say in Rome,Taurum Excretum.


So what you're saying then, is that despite this being a forum for discussion, we should confine ourselves to using terms that are understood by the lowest common denominator?

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How dare these fat, hideous people make a display of themselves in the Star! Do they have no shame?


Don't they know fat freaks should be not seen and not heard?


They lie all the time, pretending that they have some sort of reason for being fat other than that they spend every waking hour eating cream cakes and chocolate bars and the rest of the time making up excuses for not getting off their lardy arses.


Complaining about being bullied? Huh! What do these subhumans expect? If they don't want to be bullied, then they shouldn't be fat, should they? They should lose the lard now! We should all bully them. That will do the trick. Shame them in to losing weight, or keeping out of our view, so we don't have to see their hideous forms, then it's up to them what state they get themselves in to - unless they want to sit next to us on a bus or plane, or expect us to pay for any of their healthcare.


Yes, forget the kids who are sleeping in excrement and rummaging through the trash for food scraps and never see light of day, we need social services to concentrate on the chubby ones, who are being fed Kitkat’s on the way to Beavers, before this gets out of hand. This is the real abuse.


If they were anorexic that wouldn't be as bad, because that's a proper medical condition, isn't it, and people can't help that, and they don't look as bad. In fact, some of those supermodels and newsreaders still look pretty fit to me. Now, I've got time for them, and feel sorry for them.



Dear fellow Sheffield Family that was in The Star ( I’m sorry I can't address you by name, as the article has been removed from the Star website – I hope this is not because the response of some Sheffielders to hearing a family being bullied is to subject them to further bullying and upset.)


Forgive my poor attempts at irony, above. You are extremely brave in raising these issues of bullying. You are absolutely right 100% to challenge bullying of any kind. I am sorry if you have come across this thread and have read some of the ill-informed comments. Bullying of any kind is simply not acceptable and I’m sure many families suffering from bullying will be grateful that you are raising this issue.


Did you miss this post?


Struggling????? This woman is crazy!!!! She says they get loads of exercise yet she lives a FIVE minute walk to school and she takes them in the car, parks up a grass verge as close to the gates a possible!


Oh and feeds them kids kitkats on the way into beavers/cubs.


This lady had been banned from school because of her behaviour (threatening). She was effing and blinding at another parent running beavers all because her child was "told to wait a moment" for a biscuit.


Her husband now has to bring them because she's not allowed. She's well known herself in the school for being a bully towards other parents......


Or just ignore it?

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So what you're saying then, is that despite this being a forum for discussion, we should confine ourselves to using terms that are understood by the lowest common denominator?


Well I am used to a wide readership and have emphasised clarity and accessibility;if I expected a small elite cadre to follow my thoughts I might be persuaded to adhere to your policy of obscure comments.

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Did you miss this post?




Or just ignore it?


I ignored it, Cyclone.


If someone is bullying it is the 'bullying' behaviour that needs to be challenged. If you bully my friend because she is black, or because he has acne, I'm not going to look for excuses for the bullying, based on the behaviour of the victim, I'm going to challenge the bully every time.

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I ignored it, Cyclone.


If someone is bullying it is the 'bullying' behaviour that needs to be challenged. If you bully my friend because she is black, or because he has acne, I'm not going to look for excuses for the bullying, based on the behaviour of the victim, I'm going to challenge the bully every time.


Well said DV-the voice of reason has been heard.

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