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Half of adults cant do primary maths

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I recall being at primary school at the age of 10, and a child getting the question 1+1 wrong. Another time that same person had forgot his own name.


The teacher we had that year was not very good at maths, me and a few others were given access to a computer to create sums, print them off and answer them before giving them to a competent teacher for marking, or mark them ourselves. This was to stop us from truanting.


Whilst we were carrying out multiplications in our head of double and triple digit numbers, the rest of the class were being taught basic addition by a teacher that could not add up herself.


I have friends whom have graduated and got PGCEs and are now teaching, some of them cannot add up either. When I have children I don't think I will be sending them to school, I'll be looking to home educate.

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As an instance to show how simple people are, the BBC decided to interview people in the Piece Hall in Halifax.

Why did they not use Oxford or London?

I am sure they would be able to find as many confused people there, as oop north.

Once again the beeb showing its divisions.

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Don't you think that in an age of data and statistics people should know there are different ways of calculating an average which all give different results and can be used to manipulate results.


As far as I'm aware it's not part of the modern curriculum, but it should be.


It is and good idea.

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As is mid-range

(= mean of highest and lowest observations; useful when there's insufficient time to calculate mean of all observations).



Yes - unless each value occurs only once in the data set, then there is no mode. :)

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