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Half of adults cant do primary maths

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I'm 35 and have been able to do "basic" maths for several years, trouble is I failed it at GCSE level, which nearly 20 years on from leaving School is affecting my job searching now, as the kind of entry level Office jobs I look at ask for English AND Maths, because they're aimed at School leavers aged 16 or under (so that they can pay them peanuts and run the poor sods ragged).

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I'm 35 and have been able to do "basic" maths for several years, trouble is I failed it at GCSE level, which nearly 20 years on from leaving School is affecting my job searching now, as the kind of entry level Office jobs I look at ask for English AND Maths, because they're aimed at School leavers aged 16 or under (so that they can pay them peanuts and run the poor sods ragged).


can't you do a course that gives you GSCE equivilant qualification? also just lie on your cv. have you ever been asked to provide your gcse certificates?

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I'm 35 and have been able to do "basic" maths for several years, trouble is I failed it at GCSE level, which nearly 20 years on from leaving School is affecting my job searching now, as the kind of entry level Office jobs I look at ask for English AND Maths, because they're aimed at School leavers aged 16 or under (so that they can pay them peanuts and run the poor sods ragged).



So why not sit the exams again? Now that you know your stuff?

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can't you do a course that gives you GSCE equivilant qualification? also just lie on your cv. have you ever been asked to provide your gcse certificates?


You would find yourself in hot water if you lied in the way you suggest.You clearly are in the type of job where a valid portfolio is not needed but such jobs are now rare.Employers are able to check people in very sophisticated ways.

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That doesn't surprise me. It's quite frightening what school leavers don't know.


I know what your saying, I swear I knew more leaving Primary school than my two eldest kids did when they left secondary and they both did well exam wise.

Just how low have they set the bar nowadays in schools ?

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You would find yourself in hot water if you lied in the way you suggest.You clearly are in the type of job where a valid portfolio is not needed but such jobs are now rare.Employers are able to check people in very sophisticated ways.


You could check out my GCSE qualifications could you?

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Everybody's brain is different my wife can do maths in her head she can add up all the shopping as we go along and give the money at the pay till even adding the change up as well,you can get a calculator and she can add up as fast as you can press the numbers and get the results,I am terrible at maths,but I can strip any engine down and put it back together with out any manual or book on it,I don't let maths worry me I can always work it out in the end,my son was educated when Thatchers government were in last time and his general education is very poor he is a clever lad but the education standards at the time were poor lots of kids left school with very poor education standards at the time.

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