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Wincobank Avenue looking towards Bracken Road

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Hi Cynthia


Thanks for the description, it sounds like its always been a gennel then.

My husband used to live on Heather Road when he was younger and he can remember the green between the houses. It must have been then that the edge of the gennel was cobbled to match the edge of the road.

Thanks for everyone elses input too! I'd like to find out more about the area so guess a visit to the local history library might be in order unless anyone knows if there is a local history group?

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Awoollen ... just re read your posting about the greens and the air raid shelters. Are you saying that where the greens area is that this is where the air raid shelters were?


Where the wider openings were between the houses on Wincobank Avenue and Heather Rd leading on to 'The green' , the underground air raid shelters entrance faced the Wincobank Ave. opening. It was completely underground. On the the nights of the blitz the shelter was not completed inside, concrete walls, floor and ceiling, we sat on the floor on bits of carpet that we had taken in. When the land mine exploded at the corner of Heather Rd. & Foxglove Rd. we were blown across from one side of the shelter to the other side sustaining minor injuries, better than major injuries which I would have had if I been in bed.

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Where the wider openings were between the houses on Wincobank Avenue and Heather Rd leading on to 'The green' , the underground air raid shelters entrance faced the Wincobank Ave. opening. It was completely underground. On the the nights of the blitz the shelter was not completed inside, concrete walls, floor and ceiling, we sat on the floor on bits of carpet that we had taken in. When the land mine exploded at the corner of Heather Rd. & Foxglove Rd. we were blown across from one side of the shelter to the other side sustaining minor injuries, better than major injuries which I would have had if I been in bed.

I don.t think we played on your green very often I can.t remember any school friends living on there it was mostely the one between lilac and heather there was eric smith Herbert gambles ernest eaton bob darby las pearson then on honey suckle john bee jack davison

I don't remember many girls m hopkinsom Gladys moody may taylor naylor she had a surgical shoe most of the other lived further over the estate

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sorry to be a pain over this but I dont really know the area!

So at the bottom end of Wincobank Avenue where it meets Windmill lane. The first few houses on Wincobank Avenue the back gardens are now where the green was. So if the air raid shelters were underground where these gardens are now could be on top of where the air raid shelters were?

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sorry to be a pain over this but I dont really know the area!

So at the bottom end of Wincobank Avenue where it meets Windmill lane. The first few houses on Wincobank Avenue the back gardens are now where the green was. So if the air raid shelters were underground where these gardens are now could be on top of where the air raid shelters were?

I cant imagin them going to the trouble of digging it all up just cleared the entrance ond fill in the opening

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Thanks for that .... as you come to Bevercoates Road the road that runs across the top of it is Windmill Lane and if you cross over you are then on Wincobank Avenue. The gennel I am talking about is literally about 6 or 7 houses along on your left. If you continue along Wincobank Avenue pas this gennel the next road on your left is Foxglove Road. Lilac Road runs behind Heather Road which is the road that runs behind Wincobank Avenue if my memory is correct.

I have been told that there used to be greens behind some of the houses as you mentioned although not all of them are still there but have been incorportated into the gardens of the houses on Wincobank Avenue and Heather Road and there is literally just a path between the fences of the gardens.

It is quite a wide gennel which is why I am thinking it might have been a small one way road at some point?




I have always noown it as a gennel behind the houses use to be a green where all the yards had seperate fences then there was a big green in the middle for the kids to play on, them were the days..

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