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Any good places to meet older women 50+ ?

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New here and recently back home in Sheffield after 24 years living & working abroad, so am completely out of touch with the local scene.


I'm a 48 year-old divorced bloke looking to meet older women aged 50+ (or if younger absolute minumum 40+), so I'd be interested to know where I should head for in an evening or at weekends to meet 'em. "Grab-a-granny" joints if you will (to use the popular term) - though at my age you're starting not to think in those terms any more :hihi:.


I'm thinking in terms of decent bars & pubs with an older clientele. Definitely NOT nightclubs full of 20-something bottle-blonde "OMGs" and chav-lads looking for a ruck, but where a few desperate middle-aged housewives might also head for in the hope of pulling a toy-boy in an attempt to recapture their lost youth.


My catchment area is Sheffield, Chesterfield and anywhere around there and in between.


Any pointers and tips gratefully accepted. Cheers!

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Actually the older women I've dated abroad have been in FAR better shape than the much younger tubs of lard I've seen waddling along the street in town since I've been back here.


I fully expected that my question would bring the comedians out of the woodwork and that's OK. But hopefully there'll be a few useful tips as well so thanks Andy for that pointer. I'll look into it.

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I am nowhere near your demographic, but would have thought from my knowledge of Sheffield that places like The Bath Hotel, Red Deer, All Bar One, Brownes, University Arms and so on are bars where people of your age go. Might find a nice lady there!! Could be wrong, but they are nice places me and my friends generally don't go unless it's for a quiet pint, if that's anything to go on.


The advice for any one of any age though would be the best way to meet people is through a hobby or shared interest, so join a club or society or summat.


Good luck!

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Cheers CharLou.


Already got the hobby side of things in hand: Joined a hiking club and am looking to do photography and an Italian class. But the wider you cast your net, the more chance of finding someone. And as I've been out of the local loop so long and most of the people I used to know have since moved away, it's a case of pretty much starting again from the ground up on the social scene.


I would hasten to add that I'm not just looking for a quick bunk-up (in case that's the impression I gave). Just the best places to go in and around town to (hopefully) meet women of my "demographic", as you say.


Thanks again!

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