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Any good places to meet older women 50+ ?

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The Bessemer (the old Fountain Bar, or if old enough to remember The Pig and Whistle!) on Leopold Street caters for an older crowd. On Friday and Saturday the dj plays music from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s a lot of motown and soul which I love. No crap modern music!! Also the dj who was there has his own bar now on Trippet Lane called Maggie Mays similar music to Bessemer also I think they have some live acts on sometimes. Leopold Square is nice and a mixed age group with eating places and three bars, Platillos, Le Floret and Popolos play what I would call 80s/90s disco/funk.

I dont like the term "desperate middle aged housewifes", I go in the above places and am not single, though was 50 the other week dont think of myself as middle aged and am certainly not desperate!!

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the harley or bungalow and bears might have a few old bids knocking about, failing that, try the Dore Grill
'old bids'? cheeky sod! :rolleyes:


And, just on a point of etiquette, the Dore Grill - how is he expected to go into a restaurant and try to engage women in conversation? Unless he's the waiter ...

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'old bids'? cheeky sod! :rolleyes:


And, just on a point of etiquette, the Dore Grill - how is he expected to go into a restaurant and try to engage women in conversation? Unless he's the waiter ...


Easy, approach women at their table and start talking to them whilst standing as close to their faces as possible as to ensure you are heard over the other diners

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