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Any good places to meet older women 50+ ?

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Easy, approach women at their table and start talking to them whilst standing as close to their faces as possible as to ensure you are heard over the other diners
If you want him apprehended and ejected from the premises. Although, truth be told, he'd deserve it. He lost my goodwill with his forum name, then again at 'desperate housewives', further at 'grab a granny' and even more so at 'tubs of lard' ... :rolleyes:


He should import one really, imo.

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If you want him apprehended and ejected from the premises. Although, truth be told, he'd deserve it. He lost my goodwill with his forum name, then again at 'desperate housewives', further at 'grab a granny' and even more so at 'tubs of lard' ... :rolleyes:


He should import one really, imo.


If the restaurant workers attempt to eject you simply counter attack them with a swift, deadly kick to the throat. This will not only fend off the do-gooders but will also show that you are capable and willing to kill in confrontational situations, something which women look for in a keeper.

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If the restaurant workers attempt to eject you simply counter attack them with a swift, deadly kick to the throat. This will not only fend off the do-gooders but will also show that you are capable and willing to kill in confrontational situations, something which women look for in a keeper.
:hihi::hihi::hihi: decisive certainly ... but then we'd never get to eat
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I imagine there's a story, maybe a sad story, behind your return to your home city after 24 years, without a companion. I really hope you find the person you are looking for, at least, I hope you find some happiness. I can imagine it's a daunting task tbh.


I think work is always a good place to meet someone - gives you a chance to see them in their natural environment I suppose. I think I'd get myself into some of the department stores in town and have a good look round in there. I've met loads of women in shops - it's great! You can just get chatting about the merchandise and take it from there. They have to talk to you because it's their job! Easy! John Lewis is a good place. If you see a girl you like you can buy something from that department then take it back a few days later to get another chance to chat to her. After 3 or 4 returns you'll feel like you know each other. If it's something for your home you could play the hopeless bloke, little boy lost, and ask for her advice? "I'm opening a tin of salmon this evening and boiling up some pot noodles - would you care to pop around and give me your opinion on the colour scheme for my kitchen?" you see, I'm giving you ideas now eh? ;)


I don't know why you are so insistent on them being over 50 though (or at least 40). If you're only 48 yourself, providing you're in good nick, you could easily go for a wider age range. Anyhow, it shouldn't matter too much.


The Devonshire Arms at Dore has long since had a reputation for Thursday being "grab a granny" night. I've been in on a thursday myself - not to grab a granny I hasten to add. Just to kill time whilst waiting for a take-away actually. The painted ladies of Dore certainly do cut a dash but they will be expecting a certain standard of lifestyle I think.


Maybe better to go to the Dore Grill, if you want a Dore lady. There is no shortage of over 50's in there.


Good luck anyhow.

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The Devonshire Arms in Dore on a Thursday night, Christians at Beuchief on a Friday night, Menzels, Ecclesall Road at the weekend, Nonnas (hate the place), Ecclesall Road, Napoleons Casino, Ecclesall Road.


I am a decent looking bloke and I'd like to think I could meet someone nice on the female side of things (though a male mate wouldn't go amiss either if you see what I mean) ... can anyone recommend the best of those ones - I've been in Menzels once or twice for a glass of red and that did seem to have a lot of fit fillies in there watering :P Ooops I should not have said that now I might get a backlash or a kickback !

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now come people being a singleton myself the best place is the supermarket between 6pm/8pm where everyone is buying the meals for one. Dont look for the bogof just check the shopping basket out. Not dont worked yetfor me, might need a new supermarket

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Do you want to go to a place where most people who are in there are also looking for a mate? Personally, I wouldn't. I did that for years when I was a teenager and into my twenties. By the time I got to my mid 20's I was sick to the back teeth of those kind of cheesy joints where people go just to pick people up. I'm sure not all the clientele are bad, but there was a certain type of person, shallow, vain, narcissitic, that was common in such places.


Far, far, better to meet people in a less "forced" environment I'd say. How about joining a gym? or some other kind of sports club. Or even take up something like yoga?


I'd stay away from pick up joints and also stay away from religious places too. Some of the folks that go there are damaged. that's why they are going to church in the first place - to be forgiven for being a horrible person in the past (Just my humble opinion). ;)


Anyhow, you asked a question about which is best from your list...


Christian's is under new management. Heaven knows what it will be like now, but it used to be fab at one time when it was Michelle's bar. Except for the shallow, vain, narcissitic people that went there of course. I was at a do there a few months ago and it was pretty awful actually. Let's hope the new owners can do better.


Menzel's used to be a very upmarket sort of place with great wines and decent food. It has changed. And the clientele has changed. Both have gone downmarket. One attracts the other you see.


Devonshire Arms at Dore is a village pub with a bit of a swing to it. At least, some of the ones in there on a Thursday night look like they could be swingers to me!


I'd go to the Dev out of these three. Not because I want to take someone else's house keys home with me, but because they have decent beer!:)

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