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Privatising the Police

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yes its worked well for sheffield council hasnt it ?you have a bin collection service which is costing more for less of a service? you have a private maintenance company which is also costing the taxpayer more:hihi::hihi::hihi: yea well done


You don't suppose that might be down to the abject incompetence of Mothersole and his 6 figure a year management team do you? In your world it's all the fault of the greedy profiteering private companies isn't it?


If you read the thread you will see I have repeated many times that it's all down to who writes and regulates the contracts and the last people who should be doing that are the public sector managers. But don't trouble yourself with effort. You just carry on shooting from the hip and showing your ignorance.

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Nobody can really pretend the NHS is world-class across the board but it is cheap as a percentage of GDP and there are some genuinely world-class outcomes in some sectors of it.


The day that somebody who advocates complete privatisation of the NHS tells me how major burns, trauma, liver units (i.e. places with poor outcomes) are going to be attractive funding propositions for private business and would provide adequate service and coverage for the country in a private system then I might listen to them.



Somebody is putting words in my mouth that isn't my comment.


Surely a completely private system would be individuals taking out health insurance and no NHS at all. I fail to see the problem with that. Lots of countries do it.

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You don't suppose that might be down to the abject incompetence of Mothersole and his 6 figure a year management team do you? In your world it's all the fault of the greedy profiteering private companies isn't it?


If you read the thread you will see I have repeated many times that it's all down to who writes and regulates the contracts and the last people who should be doing that are the public sector managers. But don't trouble yourself with effort. You just carry on shooting from the hip and showing your ignorance.

yea buy im right thou aint i go on admit it it wont hurt :hihi::hihi:
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i'm actually a fan of our local police, in some respects, they do a good job. however as a council/tax payer in general i would like our local force to improve in certain aspects where they are poor. burglary clear up rates and local petty crime which doesnt seem high priority anymore.

i'd like to see the police pension scheme brought in line with other public sector schemes, i dont think its justified to be retiring them off early 50s with 30yrs service in, and the sickness absentee rates managed much better, maybe loss of sick pay in most professions after a certain level of ime off. this would free up more police time for crimes and the like.

i would not however like to see the private sector get a toe hold, and make profit on the "easy" aspects of their job. Manage better what exists already, and there is no need for profit taking to take money out of the system to pay dividends to shareholders, which is what WILL happen long term here.

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i'm actually a fan of our local police, in some respects, they do a good job. however as a council/tax payer in general i would like our local force to improve in certain aspects where they are poor. burglary clear up rates and local petty crime which doesnt seem high priority anymore.

i'd like to see the police pension scheme brought in line with other public sector schemes and the sickness absentee rates managed much better, maybe loss of sick pay in most professions after a certain level of ime off. this would free up more police time for crimes and the like.

i would not however like to see the private sector get a toe hold, and make profit on the "easy" aspects of their job. Manage better what exists already, and there is no need for profit taking to take money out of the system to pay dividends to shareholders, which is what WILL happen long term here.



You're another one ideologically opposed to profit when hundreds of companies already make a profit from the police. Do you think BMW and Range Rover provide those cars at cost price? Do the people who make the uniforms do it out of a sense of duty? I could go on but what's the point?


If I had a cure for stupidity I could make a very good living in this city.

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Jim Graham ,

We know you've had bad experiences working with individuals in the public sector , and know all about your commutes down to London at 3 am Monday mornings for private sector work .


Please can you enlighten us with your views on A4e as a private sector company ?

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Guest sibon
You're another one ideologically opposed to profit when hundreds of companies already make a profit from the police. Do you think BMW and Range Rover provide those cars at cost price? Do the people who make the uniforms do it out of a sense of duty? I could go on but what's the point?


If I had a cure for stupidity I could make a very good living in this city.


You have made a very good reverse argument there Jim. BMW make a profit from a profitable bit of policing. They need good, fast cars to do the job. BMW can fill that void.


I don't think that BMW, or Audi, or Siemens or Boots will have any interest in locking up a few Saturday night drunks. Or finding out who stole Miranda from number 42's chickens. Or keeping the students in check during freshers week.


They are all vital police functions but potentially unappealing to profit motivated private sector companies. That isn't to say that it is impossible, or undesirable to involve private sector expertise in the delivery of public services. We do need to be careful how we do it though.


If you want more clues, you can come to work with me later this week and I'll let you try to deal with a well known private sector company beginning with C. I've been trying to get some simple answers from them for weeks now. If you can get an acceptable response from them, I'll be amazed.

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Somebody is putting words in my mouth that isn't my comment.


Surely a completely private system would be individuals taking out health insurance and no NHS at all. I fail to see the problem with that. Lots of countries do it.


Which countries have a completely private health system totally funded by insurance contributions from individuals?

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What really scares me is the prospect , a few years down the line , when people really wake up to the fact that the rich elite executives are making vast amounts of money from their private and uncontested bids for public contracts.


When normal hardworking taxpayers eventually wake up and take to the streets to protest against the obscene bonuses paid to G4S and other private sector execs , they will be facing employees of the same company against which they are protesting , such company having a vested interest in silencing them as soon as possible !


By the way , on a similar note , I would like to complain to my local MP about how A4e have spent my taxpayers money ( £30k p.a.) on paying David Blunkett for overseas consultancy fees . Would love to see his timesheet - unfortunately I can't complain to my local MP as he IS DB


Conflict of interest anyone ? :loopy:

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