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Privatising the Police

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In my opinion, the purchase of such a car for the use of a middle rank Police Officer is a gross misuse of public funds.


Nothing you or other apologists for the wasting of taxpayers money has yet said has addressed the issue.


Actually you make a valid point, where public transport can be used it should be.


i wasnt intending addressing the issue, was merely pointing out the fact you can accept members of parliament using your tax monies in a wasteful fashion day in day out,(ie cameron, clegg, etc etc etc) but criticise a policeman (middle ranking) for having use of a vehicle for official functions.


given the chance i would take away perks for all public sector employees of this nature and let them fund it from their wages if required. cameron is a multi millionaire as is most of his cabinet. the mandarins in whitehall burn billions of pounds on credit cards, replacement uniform etc. if you are privatising the police force and allowing profit to be taken then start right at the top, do away with ALL mps perks and allowances. lets have a revolution.

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Probably the latter.


Or he might have another source of income that allows him to buy a nice car. Why criticise a bloke for being able to afford nice things?


Oh come on. That is Grade A, Class 1 hypocrisy. You loons do nothing but criticise people for having nice things if they are Tories. The politics of envy is the mainstay of the loony left's philosophy.


But you never have a problem spending tax payers money on nice things for yourselves. iPads for councillors, BMWs and Range Rovers for senior plods, fact finding missions to the tropics, ergonomical designer chairs, team building outings to 5 star hotels...............the list is endless.

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Guest sibon
Oh come on. That is Grade A, Class 1 hypocrisy. You loons do nothing but criticise people for having nice things if they are Tories. The politics of envy is the mainstay of the loony left's philosophy.


But you never have a problem spending tax payers money on nice things for yourselves. iPads for councillors, BMWs and Range Rovers for senior plods, fact finding missions to the tropics, ergonomical designer chairs, team building outings to 5 star hotels...............the list is endless.


And yet, you cannot see the irony in your position.


If the man can afford his own BMW 7, why shouldn't he have it?


Are you a subscriber to the politics of envy?

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Oh come on. That is Grade A, Class 1 hypocrisy. You loons do nothing but criticise people for having nice things if they are Tories. The politics of envy is the mainstay of the loony left's philosophy.


But you never have a problem spending tax payers money on nice things for yourselves. iPads for councillors, BMWs and Range Rovers for senior plods, fact finding missions to the tropics, ergonomical designer chairs, team building outings to 5 star hotels...............the list is endless.


i criticise the entire system, including tories and labour. pigs in troughs the lot of them. very few of them turn down the "allowances" offered. its human nature nothing to do with the loony left picking at the tories.


you seem to be able to argue a point jim (long and hard) and are quite keen to be rude to people on the forum in doing so, but have you ever considered actually doing something about it all yourself? stand for a seat/get involved in redressing the "balance"/actively lobby for change?

or is it just to easy to be rude to people having a discussion on the internet for you. some of your points are valid and i'd agree with, but you do appear a touch soured by personal bad experience, some people have had a good outcome in their own experience, we have nothing but praise for the NHS service my parents have recently had, at no cost to them, absolutely superb.

the few police contact experiences we have had have been reasonably good, they caught the person who burgled my parents (the courts let them down with his "sentence" but thats another story).

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But it is amusing at times. "Loons" is a classic.


not really. its just shows up the shortcomings of someone obviously angry without a proper direction. have a debate by all means, get wound up occasionally, but dont name call all the time, for no real reason, its the internet after all, not real life :D

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But it is amusing at times. "Loons" is a classic.


According to my dictionary a loon is a crazy person. I try and use it sparingly but as far as I'm concerned the philosophy of the left is madness and only a crazy person would follow it.

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Guest sibon
According to my dictionary a loon is a crazy person. I try and use it sparingly but as far as I'm concerned the philosophy of the left is madness and only a crazy person would follow it.


Yet, I'm far from crazy. So, why insult me like that?


Can you not debate a point without stooping to insults?


I do try to avoid conversations with you because you are invariably untruthful or insulting.


Back on topic: Do you think that everyone has the right to choose to drive any car that they can afford?

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