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Privatising the Police

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............. you do appear a touch soured by personal bad experience, some people have had a good outcome in their own experience, we have nothing but praise for the NHS service my parents have recently had, at no cost to them, absolutely superb.

the few police contact experiences we have had have been reasonably good, they caught the person who burgled my parents (the courts let them down with his "sentence" but thats another story).


My experience of the public sector is both personal and professional. It's overwhelmingly not good. What really yanks my chain is that tax is collected at gunpoint. I have to pay or be locked up. Those taxes go to pay for public services that are supposed to be there when i need them which is not all the time. But, my experience is that they are not there when I need them. Far from it. There are laws forcing me to pay but no laws forcing them to provide ANY service never mind a good one. And when things do go wrong they are impossible to hold to account. It's simply not fair. My view is if we have to have ruinously expensive and not fit for purpose public services lets farm them out and at least get them cheaper.


My personal score with the police is Bad Guys 7 Police 0. I've been robbed, beaten up and defrauded and so far plod has not even made a single arrest. They are truly pathetic.


One day I will sit down and write a book about what my family has been through at the hands of the public sector.

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My experience of the public sector is both personal and professional. It's overwhelmingly not good. What really yanks my chain is that tax is collected at gunpoint. I have to pay or be locked up. Those taxes go to pay for public services that are supposed to be there when i need them which is not all the time. But, my experience is that they are not there when I need them. Far from it. There are laws forcing me to pay but no laws forcing them to provide ANY service never mind a good one. And when things do go wrong they are impossible to hold to account. It's simply not fair. My view is if we have to have ruinously expensive and not fit for purpose public services lets farm them out and at least get them cheaper.


My personal score with the police is Bad Guys 7 Police 0. I've been robbed, beaten up and defrauded and so far plod has not even made a single arrest. They are truly pathetic.


One day I will sit down and write a book about what my family has been through at the hands of the public sector.


i think you should vent that spleen Jim!

Cathartic some might call it!

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at the end of the day we are all hamstrung here. no matter what you want from "the system" it would appear politicians just do their own thing regardless.


i voted labour, last time. because i trust them with the NHS and with some sort of public system (i rely on all the services like we all do like it or not). i do not like what they did in power however with benefits, immigration and the like. useless. i think they have learned from their mistakes a little. possibly.

i abhor the tories for making a manifesto that promised no top down changes to the NHS, then doing just that in a rush. given enough time they will ruin it with privatisation and profit taking. and then move onto other services we all use.

i dislike intensly the lib dems who sold out for a minute in the spotlight, abandoning ALL their promises. they wont get in again for a very long time. and their policy stinks in general.

it doesnt matter as such who is actually in power to the average working person these days, none of the big 3 offer a creditable solution to the crap we are in.

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Guest sibon
at the end of the day we are all hamstrung here. no matter what you want from "the system" it would appear politicians just do their own thing regardless.


i voted labour, last time. because i trust them with the NHS and with some sort of public system (i rely on all the services like we all do like it or not). i do not like what they did in power however with benefits, immigration and the like. useless. i think they have learned from their mistakes a little. possibly.

i abhor the tories for making a manifesto that promised no top down changes to the NHS, then doing just that in a rush. given enough time they will ruin it with privatisation and profit taking. and then move onto other services we all use.

i dislike intensly the lib dems who sold out for a minute in the spotlight, abandoning ALL their promises. they wont get in again for a very long time. and their policy stinks in general.

it doesnt matter as such who is actually in power to the average working person these days, none of the big 3 offer a creditable solution to the crap we are in.


A big "me too" to all of that.


Socialism went bust in 1989. Captalism went the same way in 2008. We really do need a fusion of ideas, a politics that takes the best from both worlds and tries to build a better system.


Sadly, we have politicians on both sides who are hamstrung by ideology. As soon as they step outside of accepted norms for their party, they can't win any sort of power. As a result there are an increasing number of people without a natural political home.


New Labour got one thing right... It is time for change.

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Yet, I'm far from crazy. So, why insult me like that?


Can you not debate a point without stooping to insults?


I do try to avoid conversations with you because you are invariably untruthful or insulting.


Back on topic: Do you think that everyone has the right to choose to drive any car that they can afford?




You are surely missing the point, if you can afford it buy it, good luck enjoy whooppee.


In this case a middle ranking Police Officer is driving a BMW 7 series AT TAX PAYERS EXPENSE.



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The cost of this vehicle is about £65,000, The cost of a Skoda Octavia is about £20,000.


The difference would pay for about two cops for one year.


prince Andrew flying privately to a meeting in a helicopter, or by jet to holdays accompanied by entourage, costs thousands extra per trip. MP's going first class train travel, junkets abroad on trade missions, holidays with companies that "lobby" them to help protect vested interests. the lists go on and on, dont just highlight a police bmw over a skoda.


how do you propose all this mess is sorted? messages on the sheffield forum and you/jim banging on daily isnt going to cut the mustard i'm afraid.

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prince Andrew flying privately to a meeting in a helicopter, or by jet to holdays accompanied by entourage, costs thousands extra per trip. MP's going first class train travel, junkets abroad on trade missions, holidays with companies that "lobby" them to help protect vested interests. the lists go on and on, dont just highlight a police bmw over a skoda.


how do you propose all this mess is sorted? messages on the sheffield forum and you/jim banging on daily isnt going to cut the mustard i'm afraid.


The relationship the royal famly has built up with governments and "buyers" particualrly in the Middle East is worth billions to this country. John Harvey Jones, when Chairman of ICI, then the countries largest manufacturer once said that in a "sales" situation abroad a senior member of the royal family bing present gave him a 25% advantage over the competition.


The royals pay there way, I agree that the MPS, particualrly the champagne socialists, but including the weirdoes in the Liberal party are a drag on our society.


That does not excuse a Police force (not South Yorks) squandering money on expensive cars.


Please feel free to rant on, I am right, you are wrong.

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The relationship the royal famly has built up with governments and "buyers" particualrly in the Middle East is worth billions to this country. John Harvey Jones, when Chairman of ICI, then the countries largest manufacturer once said that in a "sales" situation abroad a senior member of the royal family bing present gave him a 25% advantage over the competition.


The royals pay there way, I agree that the MPS, particualrly the champagne socialists, but including the weirdoes in the Liberal party are a drag on our society.


That does not excuse a Police force (not South Yorks) squandering money on expensive cars.


Please feel free to rant on, I am right, you are wrong.


good god thats a very pathetic childish response. all you do is embarass yourself on a daily basis responding like that. Someone offering an alternative point of view to yours is not having a "rant", its merely a different opinion, that doesnt prove you or them right or wrong.


"i am right, you are wrong". jeese is that the sum of your intellectual powers of discussion?



thankfully you arent in charge of anything to do with this country. Hitler, Stalin, Polpot and the rest took a similar stance to anyone who begged to differ. can you imagine the Houses of Parliament trying to debate anything with the likes of you ! lol

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