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Privatising the Police

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good god thats a very pathetic childish response. all you do is embarass yourself on a daily basis responding like that. Someone offering an alternative point of view to yours is not having a "rant", its merely a different opinion, that doesnt prove you or them right or wrong.


"i am right, you are wrong". jeese is that the sum of your intellectual powers of discussion?



thankfully you arent in charge of anything to do with this country. Hitler, Stalin, Polpot and the rest took a similar stance to anyone who begged to differ. can you imagine the Houses of Parliament trying to debate anything with the likes of you ! lol


Well, I am sorry you find my contribution so negatively, i have considered what you have said and have decided that desite the fact that I have merely outlined "facts" regarding the royal family and former captains of british industry that possibly my overwhelming intellect has wrongfooted you completely.


Consider changing your medication.


Sieg Heil

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Well, I am sorry you find my contribution so negatively, i have considered what you have said and have decided that desite the fact that I have merely outlined "facts" regarding the royal family and former captains of british industry that possibly my overwhelming intellect has wrongfooted you completely.


Consider changing your medication.


Sieg Heil


nah quite a poor effort that one sorry, no bite tonight for you, a case of more "under" than "over" whelming I'm afraid judging by your previous posts putting the country to rights. You and Jim appear to work well as a team, are you infact one and the same person (split personality poss?):D


anyway back on subject i have yet to hear a reasoned argument that stands up to scrutiny, at the end of the day the police are no different to anyone else in this downwardly spiralling country. pigs in troughs right from the top down in the public and private sectors alike. nothing to choose between them. bob maxwell anyone?

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and you were doing so well right up to that point :)


By any objective score


I am winning you are losing.


My statements are reasoned and sensible. You are a ranter, you make no arguements merely abuse. "Pigs in troughs, references to Hitler and others. A bit pathetic really.


Jim and I are not the same person, I am not as well informed as him nor am I as erudite. I believe however that we share the same outlook on life and the world. I also suspect that our views are based on experience and reason.


I for instance I am a former member of the NUM and other unions, years ago I was a socialist. From experience I learned how corrupt and damaging Unions are. I see with my own eyes the disgusting overmanning and excess expenditure in the public services particulalrly the NHS and the Police.


You may not agree with me, but you can only insult in a failed attempt to belittle my arguements. You are incapable of a reasoned reply.


Some would call you a moron, I would not, I do suspect however that you are mislead. I recommend you follow the writings and pronouncements of the great Jim and myself, let us lead through whilst you wander through the valley of death, fear no evil, for we are with you, you will one day emerge into he light of truth and beauty.

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A real concern is accountability - who will these private providers be responsible to? The Chief Constable or its shareholders. What about potential conflicts of interest, above all else policing is about implicit consent from the public - how will this be impacted on if privare providers are brought into the mix especially on operation matters.

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By any objective score


I am winning you are losing.


My statements are reasoned and sensible. You are a ranter, you make no arguements merely abuse. "Pigs in troughs, references to Hitler and others. A bit pathetic really.


I recommend you follow the writings and pronouncements of the great Jim and myself, let us lead through whilst you wander through the valley of death, fear no evil, for we are with you, you will one day emerge into he light of truth and beauty.



Jim often calls people morons or loons to validate his opinion, and gets pulled up rightly so by lots of people. thats just rude, and wont "win" any arguements


you then post that you are "winning" and i am "losing", you also get pulled up constantly by people and as above, tend to ramble a bit nonsensically.


how pathetic.


you can "win" as much as you want in your eyes as far as we are concerned, where do you want your winners certificate posted to ? :D


people do not agree with you or jim, thats called having differing opinions. no one wins or loses anything as a result, its the internet dear. :hihi:

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A real concern is accountability - who will these private providers be responsible to? The Chief Constable or its shareholders. What about potential conflicts of interest, above all else policing is about implicit consent from the public - how will this be impacted on if privare providers are brought into the mix especially on operation matters.


back on topic and very well put. who was checking A4E and confirming the million pound bonuses were valid?

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Scenes of crime could be kicked out car maintenance could be kicked out canteen staff could be kicked out put all those out to tender save a load of money speed camera partnership What is That?..... Coppers behind speed guns ! the fire service could have private canteen cooks those are some of the ways to save money even the present staff could run it at a profit for them?

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