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Privatising the Police

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This story gets even worse when you think of how the Coalition is pushing through their elected police commissioners agenda. We'll end up with politicians in direct operational control of a private police force unless we stop this now.


Anyone remember them proposing this to the electorate? Putting it to a vote in Parliament? Letting us know it was happening in any way?


We're looking more and more like a banana republic every day.

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I can see respect for the police service, going right out the window. Just seems like a very bad and ill concieved idea to me. Policing shouldn't be linked to business. I can see it leading to more corruption and inefficiency, all in the name of keeping share holders happy!

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I can see respect for the police service, going right out the window. Just seems like a very bad and ill concieved idea to me. Policing shouldn't be linked to business. I can see it leading to more corruption and inefficiency, all in the name of keeping share holders happy!


To be honest, respect for the police went out of the window during the miners strike, back in the early 80's.

Before then it had been a good carry on.

The people respected the coppers, and the coppers respected the people.

Thatcher, in her inimical fashion destroyed all that.


She turned us against each other, by making them bully boys, and it has stayed that way ever since.

Just look at that video, taken from their own car, of the coppers smashing that old chaps car up, and beating him up in the road.

That would never have happened PM (Prior Maggie)

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To be honest, respect for the police went out of the window during the miners strike, back in the early 80's.

Before then it had been a good carry on.

The people respected the coppers, and the coppers respected the people.

Thatcher, in her inimical fashion destroyed all that.


She turned us against each other, by making them bully boys, and it has stayed that way ever since.

Just look at that video, taken from their own car, of the coppers smashing that old chaps car up, and beating him up in the road.

That would never have happened PM (Prior Maggie)


Damn good post Balpin :thumbsup:

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Fry and Laurie satirised the idea of a private police force back in the 1980s when they had their series on telly, and privatisation was the in thing. Watch it here:



The frightening thing is that this does not seem very much different to today, does it?

We are one step away from this.

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To be honest, respect for the police went out of the window during the miners strike, back in the early 80's.


Very true, and a good example of why politics does not mix well with policing. A great deal of trust and respect was lost.


The people respected the coppers, and the coppers respected the people.


Policing in this country works mainly by consent - at the moment. People go along with it because they recognise that it does, for the most part, work. If that consent amongst the law-abiding majority breaks down (as it might very well do when confronted by private companies who will have financial targets to meet and shareholder dividends to pay), then the only way of enforcing the law becomes via force. Which is bad news for everyone.

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To be honest, respect for the police went out of the window during the miners strike, back in the early 80's.

Before then it had been a good carry on.

The people respected the coppers, and the coppers respected the people.

Thatcher, in her inimical fashion destroyed all that.


She turned us against each other, by making them bully boys, and it has stayed that way ever since.

Just look at that video, taken from their own car, of the coppers smashing that old chaps car up, and beating him up in the road.

That would never have happened PM (Prior Maggie)

I totally agree.


She used them as a tool to beat the country into submission and they have had to struggle to gain the respect back ever since.


Cameron will leave his own stain on this country.

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I totally agree.


She used them as a tool to beat the country into submission and they have had to struggle to gain the respect back ever since.


Cameron will leave his own stain on this country.


The coppers are suffering themsleves under this stress, I know.

We need to work together as a society, and not against each other.


The tory way seems always to be division, never cohesion.


Under a tory governmnet the country will die, as is being seen at present.


I work in a hospital, a round trip of 80 miles.

With the tax the Cameron government is charging me, it is taking about £ 100 a month out of my already poor wage .


How can he justify these shocking tax increases, on top of all the cuts he has brought in?

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A 26-page "commercial in confidence" contract note seen by the Guardian reveals that policing activities such as:

Investigating crimes

Detaining suspects

Patrolling neighbourhoods

as well as managing engagement with the public could be put out to private tender




I just wonder what fellow forummers think?




Here we go again. Use of the word "privatise" is guaranteed to get the hypocritical loons frothing onto their keyboards. Jumping to conclusions is about the only excercise they get. And it's a great opportunity to have more of an uninformed rant about Thatcher.


Perhaps you would like to start by looking at what use the police are. Here's a starter for 10



Summer Riots

Rape conviction rates

ASB conviction rates

Not taking ASB seriously to the point that people commit suicide

Backhanders from Murdoch

Med Hughes (say no more)

Stephen Lawrence

Phone hacking investigation 2007-2009

Ian Huntley



The police service is just another expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose public service that needs shaking out of its complacency and culture of reward for failure.

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