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Privatising the Police

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The coppers are suffering themsleves under this stress, I know.

We need to work together as a society, and not against each other.


The tory way seems always to be division, never cohesion.


Under a tory governmnet the country will die, as is being seen at present.


I work in a hospital, a round trip of 80 miles.

With the tax the Cameron government is charging me, it is taking about £ 100 a month out of my already poor wage .


How can he justify these shocking tax increases, on top of all the cuts he has brought in?


£100 a month? oh my heart bleeds. Is that it??? Are you for real?

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hypocritical loons frothing


Your arguments would carry so much more weight without the silly insults.


The police service is just another expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose public service that needs shaking out of its complacency and culture of reward for failure.


What part of expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose won't apply to the likes of G4S?

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Here we go again. Use of the word "privatise" is guaranteed to get the hypocritical loons frothing onto their keyboards. Jumping to conclusions is about the only excercise they get. And it's a great opportunity to have more of an uninformed rant about Thatcher.


Perhaps you would like to start by looking at what use the police are. Here's a starter for 10



Summer Riots

Rape conviction rates

ASB conviction rates

Not taking ASB seriously to the point that people commit suicide

Backhanders from Murdoch

Med Hughes (say no more)

Stephen Lawrence

Phone hacking investigation 2007-2009

Ian Huntley



The police service is just another expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose public service that needs shaking out of its complacency and culture of reward for failure.


What are you trying to say here?


That a private army may be able to solve all these problems?

Dont forget, they would still have to work within the Laws we have,


You could not turn them loose to propogate your fascist agenda.

Or did that not cross your mind?

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£100 a month? oh my heart bleeds. Is that it??? Are you for real?


I take it you are trying to be funny.

I am paying £100 per month extra out of my own pocket to keep you alive.


Without me and people like me, the NHS would be non existent.


£100 is a lot of money to spend on you dole walles, on top of all the tax an NI we have to pay.

So keep shut, you skiver.

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What are you trying to say here?


That a private army may be able to solve all these problems?

Dont forget, they would still have to work within the Laws we have,


You could not turn them loose to propogate your fascist agenda.

Or did that not cross your mind?



What I am saying is the police are overrated and overpaid for what they actually achieve. A little competition might sharpen them up a bit as they have got too complacent knowing they won't/can't be held to account.

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I take it you are trying to be funny.

I am paying £100 per month extra out of my own pocket to keep you alive.


Without me and people like me, the NHS would be non existent.


£100 is a lot of money to spend on you dole walles, on top of all the tax an NI we have to pay.

So keep shut, you skiver.


Oh right, sorry it was the way you worded it.


Ah by the way.....


Considering I have private health insurance, private dental care, critical illness cover, sickness salary guarantee cover, comprehensive travel insurance and pay about £450 each month combination of tax and national insurance through my wages - what exactly are you doing to keep me alive again??


Did I even say anything about being on the dole?

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Your arguments would carry so much more weight without the silly insults.





What part of expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose won't apply to the likes of G4S?



You know who I mean



That would be a failure of regulation which we have seen on so many of the deals done by Labour. If it's done properly it will work. The problem in the past is that the civil servants who make the contracts are the last people qualified to do so and political interference has watered down the regulations.

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That would be a failure of regulation which we have seen on so many of the deals done by Labour. If it's done properly it will work. The problem in the past is that the civil servants who make the contracts are the last people qualified to do so and political interference has watered down the regulations.


The Coalition dislikes regulation, and is committed to getting rid of as much regulation as possible.

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Here we go again. Use of the word "privatise" is guaranteed to get the hypocritical loons frothing onto their keyboards. Jumping to conclusions is about the only excercise they get. And it's a great opportunity to have more of an uninformed rant about Thatcher.


Perhaps you would like to start by looking at what use the police are. Here's a starter for 10



Summer Riots

Rape conviction rates

ASB conviction rates

Not taking ASB seriously to the point that people commit suicide

Backhanders from Murdoch

Med Hughes (say no more)

Stephen Lawrence

Phone hacking investigation 2007-2009

Ian Huntley



The police service is just another expensive, unaccountable, self regulating, unfit for purpose public service that needs shaking out of its complacency and culture of reward for failure.


So instead of privatise what word would you use then?

Incidentally Jim, you quoted the summer riots in your evidence of how poor the police are. Given that poor community relations were part responsible for the riots, how much worse do yoy think that community relations would have been if the police a faceless corporation?

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