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Privatising the Police

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Oh and if people think that private means cheaper and more efficient, then here's a clip from yesterday's Channel 4 News which examines the role of a private interpreting service to the courts. What was intended as a cost-cutting measure will cost the government thousands of pounds every day in delays and adjournments:





"MoJ sheer incompetence" just demonstrates the point I am making. These big government departments are not fit for purpose and the last people who should be creating the deals to save money. But the report doesn't actually show that the extra costs will outstrip the savings.


It's not in the interest of their own civil servants to actually save any money. That's why these deals end up being a shambles. You only have to look at Sheffield Council's deals with Veolia and Crapita to see how bad they are and how little money they save.


Another factor with these deals is the number of civil servants who negotiate the deals and then "retire" only to jump ship to join the management board of the private company.


The whole system stinks from top to bottom but keeping these functions under the control of departments that aren't fit for purpose isn't an option either.

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The government are committed to free healthcare at the point of delivery


But what constitutes state-provided healthcare? There are already procedures that would have been PCT-funded a few years ago that are no longer available in some areas. Under the new proposals, CCGs can decide what services they wish to provide locally, they can decide how many patients GPs can refer to specialists, and they can decide what diagnostic tests should be offered.


And "free healthcare at the point of delivery" is weasel-wording unless it is followed by "and funded through general taxation". I have had medical treatment in other countries that has been "free at the point of delivery" - the hospital just send you a bill later.


Don't get me wrong - the NHS could be made more efficient, but this ramshackle bit of legislation is a poor way of doing it.

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Im going to set up a private police force called 'rozzers R us' and tender for the sheffield constabulary - it'll be mainly staffed by unemployed youths on the workfare slavery scheme - if they don't catch a quota of crack dealers and murderers they lose their benefits and have to turn to crime to survive thereby increasing the need for my private rozzers -


it's no more ridiculous than the NHS reforms and it might just work.

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Im going to set up a private police force called 'rozzers R us' and tender for the sheffield constabulary - it'll be mainly staffed by unemployed youths on the workfare slavery scheme - if they don't catch a quota of crack dealers and murderers they lose their benefits and have to turn to crime to survive thereby increasing the need for my private rozzers -


it's no more ridiculous than the NHS reforms and it might just work.


Wont they arrest you first though Frank ? for crimes against SF ?



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Wont they arrest you first though Frank ? for crimes against SF ?




you've not read the post muldoon, it's MY private police force, I choose who gets collared and I'm quietly confident that the evidence I find against myself will prove insufficient to warrant charges against me.


when did you last see an expose of the mordochs in the sun?







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Ladies and Gentlemen , There is nothing new here. The proposal to privatise certain Police roles is a natural progression. In the last few years, particulalrly under Labour the Police role has been eroded.


No Wide load escorts.

Motorway Patrols by the Highways Agency

Stewarding of Football, Racecourses and other Venues no longer the preserve of the police.

Custody Officers

Prison Escorts

City Centre Security Patrols (successfull in Leeds and elsewhere and for a time in Sheffield but now abandoned).


All these roles were at one time the preserve of the Police. They are now provided largely by the private sector or other agencies.


Crime is at a lower level now than it has been for years according to our Chief Constable. Is this not due to the fact that privatisation of these roles works? It certainly seems to have assisted the Police in being able to target resources were they really count.


Bring it on I say, BUT dont just grant this business to the Swedish owned G4S there are good local Security firms in South Yorkshire (I work part time for one) more than capable of providing these services. Lets keep the profit in South Yorkshire.

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Ladies and Gentlemen , There is nothing new here. The proposal to privatise certain Police roles is a natural progression. In the last few years, particulalrly under Labour the Police role has been eroded.


No Wide load escorts.

Motorway Patrols by the Highways Agency

Stewarding of Football, Racecourses and other Venues no longer the preserve of the police.

Custody Officers

Prison Escorts

City Centre Security Patrols (successfull in Leeds and elsewhere and for a time in Sheffield but now abandoned).


All these roles were at one time the preserve of the Police. They are now provided largely by the private sector or other agencies.


Crime is at a lower level now than it has been for years according to our Chief Constable. Is this not due to the fact that privatisation of these roles works? It certainly seems to have assisted the Police in being able to target resources were they really count.


Bring it on I say, BUT dont just grant this business to the Swedish owned G4S there are good local Security firms in South Yorkshire (I work part time for one) more than capable of providing these services. Lets keep the profit in South Yorkshire.


excellent, take a load of thugs from the doors of boozers and set em on investigating serious crime - it'll be like a rerun of the sweeney or 'monkfish' off the fast show - 'you - put yer knickers and make me a cuppa tea'.

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Ladies and Gentlemen , There is nothing new here. The proposal to privatise certain Police roles is a natural progression. In the last few years, particulalrly under Labour the Police role has been eroded..


(My Strikethrough)


This I will agree with. I am opposed to much of what is happening with public services however unlike some I do not "labour" under the misapprehension that it is purely a Tory development


Much of the groundwork has already been done by "new" labour - the difference is Labour were more discreet about it and introduced "creeping privatisation" slowly and softly, with the Tories it is an ideological standpoint and they are more direct and overt about it.

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Now then, stop this sillyness.

I am not going to identify myself, but I am engineering supervisor at a large hospital in our area.

Privatisation, and PFI is a disaster for the NHS and must be fought against all costs, it is castrophic and will lead to the end of the NHS.


Oh I give up. You are clearly deliberately not getting it.


What came first. State funded healthcare or private doctors... hmmmm

Harley street anyone?


Obviously private healthcare is a new phenomenon with a sole purpose of destroying your beloved employer....yes of course that's what it was all about. Those nasty evil private physicians plotting to destroy the hand that feeds them. Yes that's what they are all doing.


Ah well, I have lost the will to debate this issue with you anymore.


I surrender. Im going happily join Planet Balpin and let the NHS have sole control over every healthcare issue in the country. Every patient, every treatment, every procedure.


No more private insurance, no more private clinics. Doctors only allowed to work for the state hospitals/surgerys.


Yes.... what a wonderful life that would be eh. Makes you wonder why its never worked before?


Night night.

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