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Privatising the Police

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Ladies and Gentlemen , There is nothing new here. The proposal to privatise certain Police roles is a natural progression. In the last few years, particulalrly under Labour the Police role has been eroded.


No Wide load escorts.

Motorway Patrols by the Highways Agency

Stewarding of Football, Racecourses and other Venues no longer the preserve of the police.

Custody Officers

Prison Escorts

City Centre Security Patrols (successfull in Leeds and elsewhere and for a time in Sheffield but now abandoned).


All these roles were at one time the preserve of the Police. They are now provided largely by the private sector or other agencies.


Crime is at a lower level now than it has been for years according to our Chief Constable. Is this not due to the fact that privatisation of these roles works? It certainly seems to have assisted the Police in being able to target resources were they really count.


Bring it on I say, BUT dont just grant this business to the Swedish owned G4S there are good local Security firms in South Yorkshire (I work part time for one) more than capable of providing these services. Lets keep the profit in South Yorkshire.


No it isn't.

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What I am saying is the police are overrated and overpaid for what they actually achieve. A little competition might sharpen them up a bit as they have got too complacent knowing they won't/can't be held to account.


The fix is not to move to structures and processes where accountability becomes even harder to achieve. Privatisation is not the answer.


Whenever we have had privatised services in the past they end up costing more and providing worse services - transport, utilities etc...


Looking at prisons, privately run prisons still have high rates of re-offending. Private prisons are statistically less safe for inmates (HIMP report 2009). Private prisons in 2010 had 11% of the inmates but received 12.5% of funding.

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Ladies and Gentlemen , There is nothing new here. The proposal to privatise certain Police roles is a natural progression. In the last few years, particulalrly under Labour the Police role has been eroded.


Very true. Not many people take the time to step back to understand why so many reforms could go in so seamlessly and easily - I'm not talking here about the politics of it but more the practicalities. The fact is all the groundwork has already been done. Prisons again - a number of privately-run prisons where opened under Labour. The Tories pushed through the transfer of Winson Green to private operation in 2011, just a couple of months ago, with barely a whimper of public opposition.

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There are many parts of the State that need privatisation as competition, to ensure both standards and value for money are achieved.


Back room functions such as lost property, 999 calls and IT functions are parts of our policing i have no issue with out sourcing as long as the above are achieved.


BUT....never ever, can outsourcing criminal investigations be outsourced.


We have enough issues with the MET misuse of funds, corruption and being in bed with certain parts of our press, to now decide to bring in PLCs to do a better job.


Yes policing has to change, but privatising is a huge step backwards.


The public outcry here will ensure the Con-dems dont take it much further. They are already regretting the NHS fiasco.

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There are many parts of the State that need privatisation as competition, to ensure both standards and value for money are achieved.


Back room functions such as lost property, 999 calls and IT functions are parts of our policing i have no issue with out sourcing as long as the above are achieved.


BUT....never ever, can outsourcing criminal investigations be outsourced.


We have enough issues with the MET misuse of funds, corruption and being in bed with certain parts of our press, to now decide to bring in PLCs to do a better job.


Yes policing has to change, but privatising is a huge step backwards.



The public outcry here will ensure the Con-dems dont take it much further. They are already regretting the NHS fiasco.


I wouldnt stake your mortgage on that.

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The fix is not to move to structures and processes where accountability becomes even harder to achieve. Privatisation is not the answer.


Whenever we have had privatised services in the past they end up costing more and providing worse services - transport, utilities etc...


Looking at prisons, privately run prisons still have high rates of re-offending. Private prisons are statistically less safe for inmates (HIMP report 2009). Private prisons in 2010 had 11% of the inmates but received 12.5% of funding.


Im sorry, and I am not prepared to bandy statistices with you (lies damn lies etc) but Privatisation is the answer.Transport is better than it was when it was state owned. The railways are far from perfect but far far better than they were when government run. Prisons are far more humane and well run that they were under the government.


The main reason is that the unions are under control, the Prison Officers Association were the stroppiest most ridiculous outfit the TUC ever had. The Railway Union was equally horrible.


I wont defend private organisations when they fall short of the standards our society expect. I also think that the apparantly unstoppable rise of G4S is something we should monitor. BUT overall, we are far better off when these services and privatised.

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There are many parts of the State that need privatisation as competition, to ensure both standards and value for money are achieved.


Certain bits for sure. But when most people think of the police they still think of a non-civilian force that is in theory capable of delivering a fair service and ensuring public safety. But they also think of a service that has become deeply corrupted in many respects - we need to repair that.


But sometimes, just sometimes, it can't and shouldn't boil down to a simple matter of cost. If you want a good police service it isn't going to be cheap. And if we don't have a good service we aren't going to be safe, or at the very least we won't achieve greater safety than we have now. There is no evidence to prove that a privatised force would make us safer and attempting to prove it could be an experiement that costs lives and plunges whole neigbourhoods into chaos.


Let's fix the service we have, not dismantle it.

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