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Does anyone know what the health reforms mean?

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Does anyone know what the health reforms mean? How can the NHS be privately run if we still pay NI or is this similar to how the rail industry was privatised. The nhs is publicly funded but private companies get bids to deliver services? If so what problems would this cause?

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More contracts for the old tory boys again?


Quite simply that is all it boils down to for the Tories. A big pot of public money and where it goes. The same for:




law & order




All are targets for privatisation. Not much left. Private armies anyone?


Unbelievable that the LibDems have got caught in this insane drive to dismantle the state.

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"So rather than let know-it-all managers make decisions about which resources should go where, ministers proposed handing the power to commission services to consortia of GPs. At the heart of the coalition's proposals were moves to make competition the driver of more effective health services."


Slight worry here, as seen in the transport industry and that is there will be chaos. Either make completely private or public I don't think the in between really works too much bureaucracy. Surely that’s what Cameron originally intended to do was get rid of some red tape. Clearly he has the brains to see what's best!

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Quite simply that is all it boils down to for the Tories. A big pot of public money and where it goes. The same for:




law & order




All are targets for privatisation. Not much left. Private armies anyone?


Unbelievable that the LibDems have got caught in this insane drive to dismantle the state.


They've not 'got caught' in it. They are ADVOCATING and ASSISTING. Shame on them.:rant:

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How can the NHS be privately run if we still pay NI


Anything (in theory) can be privately run and government funded. Often, the government actually saves money by employing a private company to do something instead of keeping work in the public sector; a private company has a huge incentive to eliminate waste, public sector workers have no incentive at all to do so.


To quote some entirely fictitious figures as an example; you want to build a road. Your budget for the road is £10,000,000.


The public sector has no reason to care how much it spends; everyone is getting paid their wages anyway. The road is very likely to cost £10,000,000.


The private sector wants to trim the cost as much as possible; by eliminating waste, they might be able to charge the government £9,500,000, spend £9,000,000 and make half a million pounds profit on the deal.



The risk, of course, is that unscrupulous private companies will save money in other ways than by eliminating waste. You don't want them laying down wooden planks instead of concrete in order to save an extra two million quid; the road would collapse within a year if they did that.

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Does anyone know what the health reforms mean?




Everything to do with the NHS has always meant cuts, from the day it was founded.


Every government for the last sixty-four years - bar one only - has increased NHS spending in real terms, after taking inflation into account. Despite that, every single year the NHS has less beds available to treat less people and performs less operations. You would think, after sixty-four years, someone somewhere would have realised that throwing more money at the NHS doesn't solve its problems.

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