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Will British cease to be a Christian nation..

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There's nothing wrong with religion, or being religious. Its how the written word is understood. God didn't write any of the religious books. They were written by a man and mankind has destroyed the principle of religion.


There is some higher form of us out there. Whether its a God or an alien nation, they had an hand in creating life on earth.

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Non of it will do frankie baby, calm down.

Just accept that we are at war and you will be settled.

Now deep breaths and settle.


being at war wouldn't settle me down balpin - my blood pressure would get even higher - george w telling me we at war and him being backed up by blair will not 'do' - we aren't at war - we are involved in a few minor foreign skirmishes (unfortunately) -and have a very minor domestic terrorist problem that is small beer compared to previous decades, there is no existential threat from islam, we will are not facing islamic fundamentalist rule , we are heading to a secularist western state ( we might be heading to a proper war (Iran) but that's another thread)

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There's nothing wrong with religion, or being religious. Its how the written word is understood. God didn't write any of the religious books. They were written by a man and mankind has destroyed the principle of religion.


There is some higher form of us out there. Whether its a God or an alien nation, they had an hand in creating life on earth.


wise words fellow frank - religious principles exist outside of human understanding and aliens created the earth.


nice one.

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There are still many Christians in this country and the country is better for it. I visit an Anglican Church that is always full on Sunday mornings. Yes Britain will always remain a Christian country, its built into our culture. The majority of Christians now believe in 'Theistic Evolution' which means that God created the world through evolution and not as in Genesis 1 and 2.


so why didn't he say so, why did god lie in the first place? he could've put in his bible 'and lo god dideth cause to be single celled organisms that dideth cluster together and , through natural selection, dideth become complex multi cellular organisms amongst which was a type of monkey calledeth man which dideth prosper for a brief time and then dideth go exstinct liketh every other species before and after - amen'


what a liar god is ( and he invented diptheria, the psychopath)

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The one we are engaged in at present, or havent you noticed?

It was declared on 11/09/2001 if I remember, and has raged ever since.

It will never end until both sides accept that their god is not interested in them at all.

Maniacs the lot of them.


As I recall a murderous act of criminality was carried out on the above date,the war was declared in the days that followed.

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I am not religious so this subject would not worry me, but my nan is and she is a Christian. She loves her Sunday's church get together. If it was to go the way where by 2030 no one is a Christian I would worry for my nan as I think some times that is the only thing that keeps her going her faith.

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I am not religious so this subject would not worry me, but my nan is and she is a Christian. She loves her Sunday's church get together. If it was to go the way where by 2030 no one is a Christian I would worry for my nan as I think some times that is the only thing that keeps her going her faith.

ive noticed while walking the dog past the local churches on sundays the only people going are over about 60 / 70

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how would sharia law / islam get in control?

how many muslims are in seats of power?


At one point do the numbers start to tip... I believe it's been estimated at about 30 years if I remember correctly (based on current growth figures)

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I am not religious so this subject would not worry me, but my nan is and she is a Christian. She loves her Sunday's church get together. If it was to go the way where by 2030 no one is a Christian I would worry for my nan as I think some times that is the only thing that keeps her going her faith.


no one's saying that your nan shouldn't be able to go to church - people should be able to follow whatever faith they choose, but religion should have no place in the state or education - go to church, mosque, temple , synangogue whatever, but keep the clerics away from me and my kid

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