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Will British cease to be a Christian nation..

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2030: The year Britain will cease to be a Christian nation with the march of secularism


If trends continue, the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of Christians by 2030. Do you believe this will be so??? And if so what will happen to the churches?


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At some time along the road it will, as all things must pass.


Come back in a thousand years and Christianity and Islam will be mixed together, much as Frank Herbert suggests in his book Dune.


This futile war between the two cultures cannot be won, by either side.

It is a waste of life and money.

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At some time along the road it will, as all things must pass.


Come back in a thousand years and Christianity and Islam will be mixed together, much as Frank Herbert suggests in his book Dune.


This futile war between the two cultures cannot be won, by either side.

It is a waste of life and money.


Which war would this be exactly?

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2030: The year Britain will cease to be a Christian nation with the march of secularism


If trends continue, the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of Christians by 2030. Do you believe this will be so??? And if so what will happen to the churches?


Full Story:j



Secularism? I very mch doubt it. Everyone knows what the score is, it's been done to death

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2030: The year Britain will cease to be a Christian nation with the march of secularism


If trends continue, the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of Christians by 2030.

Secularism and the number (or lack of) of people who believe in Christ are not the same thing.

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2030: the year britain will cease to be a christian nation with the march of secularism


if trends continue, the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of christians by 2030. Do you believe this will be so??? And if so what will happen to the churches?


Full story:j



woop woop roll on 2030

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too late was the cry - it has already stopped being a christian country and thank ( the non existent) god for that - this is a secular country where people are rightly free to practise whichever religion they choose or none - even ireland is pretty much secular now - folk have chosen to spend their sabbaths doing better things with the free time than listening to scary stories about hell and damnation.

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