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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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you have to question why somebody feels the need to take an illegal mind-bending drug.


For one second, imagine it was a legal mind bending drug, like alcohol for instance.


I don't feel the need, and I'm quite willing to admit I don't understand why anybody else would - if they are (allegedly) fulfilled in life and balanced of mind.


Imagine it's alcohol, if you still don't understand, then I think you're stretching credibility somewhat.

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One of the things that distinguishes cannabis from a pack of PG tips is that to obtain cannabis one must enter into circles in which other harmful substances are available


Good point. Now why is that?


Is that because Tea is inherently good and Cannabis is inherently evil?




Is it because Cannabis is illegal, and Tea is legal?


(hint, it's not the first one).


Well it would be a good point if, on a visit to Tesco to buy some PG tips, I didn't end up going past rows of stimulant pills, thousands of varieties of stupefactant, opiate analgesics and refined sugar.

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The anti-cannabis posters on here seem to have a problem understanding something. Until this is resolved they will never get out of their flawed logic cupboards.


I used to think the problem was that they couldn't see the similarities between alcohol and cannabis along with their double standards attitude toward the two.


I think the real problem is that they can't distinguish between excessive abuse and casual use. All the problems associated with excessive abuse of cannabis can also be applied to excessive abuse of alcohol


With casual use, the two are very similar again.

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I for one haven't said that, but you have to question why somebody feels the need to take an illegal mind-bending drug.


I don't feel the need, and I'm quite willing to admit I don't understand why anybody else would - if they are (allegedly) fulfilled in life and balanced of mind.


The comedian Mark Thomas once had a joke about why drugs should be decriminalised;


Paul McCartney on drugs wrote Helter Skelter.

Paul McCartney not on drugs wrote The Frog Chorus.


Look at the amount of LSD that got dropped in the 60s. People didn't take it because they weren't fulfilled or were unbalanced. They just experimented and some used it for creative purposes. Some people ended up as basket-cases as a result but they made some great music along the way.


I don't do drugs myself but there are reasons to do them other than not being fulfilled or being unbalanced.

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Didn't Ian Brady get high on drugs before murdering his poor victims?


If you're going to quote someone like Brady then at least do the background research before mentioning his name. Was Hitler on skunk? Did Stalin snort a few lines? Pol Pot fair enough and Chairman Meow.

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I think Paul was on drugs when he wrote the Frog Chorus too - but the wrong kind.


If memory serves, Brady used to pop pep pills.


Brand name "pro-plus" - 9 out of 10 homicidal maniacs who expressed a preference said that Pro-Plus helped them stay paranoid and short tempered for longer than other leading brands of caffeine.

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For one second, imagine it was a legal mind bending drug, like alcohol for instance.


Imagine it's alcohol, if you still don't understand, then I think you're stretching credibility somewhat.

But the WHOLE POINT is that it's illegal.


None of us likes/agrees deeply and profoundly with every single law. I'd quite like it if the law allowed us to shoot trespassers, but it doesn't. I'd also like it if the road laws allowed me to cruise at 150mph down the M1 when I want to get somewhere quickly rather than 70mph - but I can't because it's illegal.


The Autobahns show us that you can drive safely at high speed, ergo following the 'logic' of SF's drug fans our law must be stupid, therefore I should ignore the law and drive at 150mph anyway.


OR - perhaps I should accept that, as a member of a society which prides itself on its democracy, I need to accept and obey the laws that the majority have decided on.

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