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Judge - I am the law and I'll do as I please.

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We live in the 21 st century. Junk foods cause obesity, obesity leads to serious health problems, tobacco and alcohol do serious damage and can also eventually kill.


With that in mind, would you say those reasons were a good justification for banning those things outright, for everyone?

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You're getting overheated I see. Resorting to personal insults. Better mellow out bro or cop out.

Beatle songs that referred to drugs:

Yellow submarine, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds


The Doors were quite open. "Light my fire"

There were others of course.


Those who paid the price drugs and alcohol:


Janis Joplin,

John Belushi,

Robert Downey,

Lindsey lohan,

Elvis Presley

Jim Morrison

Whitney Houston

Michael Jackson


Easy Rider and Jack Nicholson the joint smoker


Wake up and smell the coffee


Paul Mccartney has said once in a BBC interview that Lucy in the sky with diamonds is a ref to LSD. John London has always denied it. He wrote it.


Some of the people in your list are still alive. robert Downey Jr is at the peak of his career.


I'm wide awake and I can definitely smell the coffee. It's you and your out dated views that needs to wake up.


Oh, and don't call me bro please. That's even more of an insult as far as I'm concerned.

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Paul Mccartney has said once in a BBC interview that Lucy in the sky with diamonds is a ref to LSD. John London has always denied it. He wrote it.


Some of the people in your list are still alive. robert Downey Jr is at the peak of his career.


I'm wide awake and I can definitely smell the coffee. It's you and your out dated views that needs to wake up.


Oh, and don't call me bro please. That's even more of an insult as far as I'm concerned.

Lennon had to say that ,it was different back in the 60's a group like The Beatles couldnt come out and admit the drugs it would have been commercial suicide,they were the goodies ,The Stones were the bad boys but sold to a different market and even they played the drugs down and denied them.

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How can you advocate freedom of choice as being everyone's right then say that an enlightened society will provide healthcare for it's members.


Well they can choose whether to take advantage of it. No-one is forced to go to hospital, and in this country at least, no-one is forced to pay for a visit unless they want to.


Of course we should try and minimise peoples admissions to hospital and healthcare facilities, and try to improve their health. But methods of coercion are inherently wrong.


Methods of coercion include punishing people for damaging their health - which is stupid.


Just because you can't see the outcome of the iterated prisoners dilemma that constitutes living in a large society, doesn't mean everyone else has to have such a mediaeval outlook.

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Lennon had to say that ,it was different back in the 60's



Wasn't the sixties:


In 1971 Lennon told Rolling Stone that he swore that he had no idea that the song's initials spelt L.S.D. He added:


"I didn't even see it on the label. I didn't look at the initials. I don't look - I mean I never play things backwards. I listened to it as I made it. It's like there will be things on this one, if you fiddle about with it. I don't know what they are. Every time after that though I would look at the titles to see what it said, and usually they never said anything."


Paul McCartney would later say it was "pretty obvious" that this song was inspired by LSD.



During the media controversy over this song in June of 1967, Paul McCartney admitted to a reporter that the band did experiment with LSD.

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Wasn't the sixties:


In 1971 Lennon told Rolling Stone that he swore that he had no idea that the song's initials spelt L.S.D. He added:


"I didn't even see it on the label. I didn't look at the initials. I don't look - I mean I never play things backwards. I listened to it as I made it. It's like there will be things on this one, if you fiddle about with it. I don't know what they are. Every time after that though I would look at the titles to see what it said, and usually they never said anything."


Paul McCartney would later say it was "pretty obvious" that this song was inspired by LSD.



During the media controversy over this song in June of 1967, Paul McCartney admitted to a reporter that the band did experiment with LSD.

He would continue to deny it into the 70's it would affect his entry into the States,the fact that drug use came out eventually stopped him getting his green card for quite some time.

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He would continue to deny it into the 70's





John Lennon admitted that he began taking LSD in 1964 and that


"it went on for years. I must have had a thousand trips. I used to just eat it all the time"


(Rolling Stone, Jan. 7, 1971, p. 39)


In 1969, Lennon said:


"If people can't face up to the fact of other people being naked or smoking pot . then we're never going to get anywhere"


(Penthouse, Oct. 1969, p. 29, cited in The Legacy of John Lennon, p. 66).

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That's a big horse you sit on. Dismount.


What do you mean by that,i didn't see this post before.

If you mean by that? i am looking down on others and judging them you are quite wrong.

I mixed with students in my younger days many of them very nice, they sometimes smoked marijuana, it did not appeal to me.

It took me thirty years to give up smoking,one of the worse addictions there is. I don't look down on smokers because i know how hard it is to give up.I discourage young people from smoking,but i don't harp on about it,that doesn't help anyone.

I dislike addictions of any kind that cause harm,but i don't sit on my high horse judging them, even on odd occasions when stressfull situations have occurred i have smoked again, thats how hard it has been.Some people find it easier they are lucky. I am thankful i didn't do drugs, get addicted and have that struggle.

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What do you mean by that,i didn't see this post before.

If you mean by that? i am looking down on others and judging them you are quite wrong.

I mixed with students in my younger days many of them very nice, they sometimes smoked marijuana, it did not appeal to me.

It took me thirty years to give up smoking,one of the worse addictions there is. I don't look down on smokers because i know how hard it is to give up.I discourage young people from smoking,but i don't harp on about it,that doesn't help anyone.

I dislike addictions of any kind that cause harm,but i don't sit on my high horse judging them, even on odd occasions when stressfull situations have occurred i have smoked again, thats how hard it has been.Some people find it easier they are lucky. I am thankful i didn't do drugs, get addicted and have that struggle.


That's all good Janie; sounds like a fairly liberal attitude to me. Forgive me if I'm missing something you have already said, but would it be fair of me to imagine that you don't disagree in principle with the notion that the individual should have the right to choose what he or she consumes?

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Everyone having the right to consume what they want seems ok, but what if they then consume something which indirectly harms or results in another's death, and it has been argued that for instance legalising banned substances could do this:(

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